Chapter 76

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

Later that night, as Kakashi and I have dinner, he asks, "How's Kiba doing?" His mask is off as he eats.

"He'll pull through. His injuries were serious but Kiba-kun will recover," I reply.

"That's good to hear."

"Oh! Before I forget, Kakashi-kun! Remember that day Naruto-kun and Sasuke-kun duked it out at the hospital?" I say, causing him to nod his head. I grin excitedly. "Well, beforehand, I was called to Tsunade's office and... I got promoted to Jounin!"

Kakashi was about to drink from his soda when he spits it out due to his surprise. I can't help but laugh. "Wh-What?! You got promoted to Jounin?!" Kakashi exclaims.

I giggle at his reaction. "Yup! I would've told you sooner but you'd gone on your mission and then the whole Sasuke Retrieval mission happened. So it looks like I'm just as important as you now, Kakashi-kun!"

Kakashi smiles at me as I continue to laugh. He murmurs, pride in his voice, "Congratulations, Yumi-chan. I'm very proud of you."

"Tomorrow, I'll send a letter to my father and brother! Hikaru-nii is gonna be so jealous!!"

Kakashi let's out a chuckle at that.


The next morning, in a plain pink kimono, I gallop Setsuna through the forest and back to the Leaf Village. The sun was rising in the sky, trying to poke through the forest. It's been a few days and most everyone has been released from the hospital.

I'd taken Setsuna out for a run in order to clear my head from the past couple of days

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I'd taken Setsuna out for a run in order to clear my head from the past couple of days. We were heading back to the Leaf Village when the main gates come into view. Upon reaching them, I see three figures up ahead.

I tug the reins for the palomino mare to halt. As we draw closer, I could see who the figures were: it was Naruto, Sakura and Jiraiya.

As I bring the mare up to them, I ask, "Where are you three going?"

Jiraiya's P. O. V:

I had caught Naruto and Sakura about to sneak out of the village to look for Sasuke in her Hidden Sound Village, and volunteered to go with them.

We were about to leave when a stern voice asks, "Where are you three going?" Naruto, Sakura and I start before we whirl around to see Ayumi on a palomino horse.

The horse snorts as she stops before us. "Yumi-chan!" Exclaims Naruto.

"Oh, Ayumi! We weren't going anywhere, really," Lies Sakura.

Ayumi just raises a dark eyebrow, not believing her. Sakura sweat drops a little. "Out with it! Where are the three of you sneaking off to at this time in the morning?"

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