Chapter 72

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

As the rest of the earth dome crumbles away, Shikamaru says, smiling, "Well, Choji, there's no other way of putting it. That was awesome!" Choji chuckles.

I give a flat look as I ask, "Hey, uh... what about me? If it weren't for me, Choji would never have busted you out."

Shikamaru tells me sincerely, "Nicely done, Yumi-chan." I grin as I blush lightly at his praise.

"By the way, I knew you were bluffing back there," I tell him sheepishly.

"Yeah, right, Yumi-chan! You were just as fooled as the rest of us!" Kiba tells me knowingly to which I respond with a sheepish chuckle, rubbing the back of my head with my free hand.

He's right, though. I was just as fooled as they were.

The Sound nin murmurs with narrowed eyes, "They managed to escape my barrier ninjutsu..."

Shikamaru states, "He's by himself. Guess the others went on ahead."

I tell them, my Seismic Sense Jutsu activated, "That's right, Shika-kun. I don't feel any of their vibrations."

Neji says with his Kekkei Genkai activated, "You're correct. They're nowhere to be seen."

Shikamaru grumbles, "Swell. And just when I think we'd finally caught up to them."

The Sound nin says as he claps slowly above his head, "Not a bad bit handiwork, you guys... for a bunch of losers!"

I glare as Naruto demands, "What?!"

"Who are you calling losers?!" Kiba hisses and my eyes jerk wide as I realise they were going to lunge at him.

I do hand signs while muttering, "Diamond Style: Diamond Clone." A perfect copy of me appears. "Go and tend to their wounds and replenish their chakra." I point to my teammates and my clone nods before rushing over to them.

"Shikamaru, let me see your wrist," My clone says and he nods while I do more hand signs, just as Kiba and Naruto go to lunge at the enemy.

"Now that we're out, you're toast, pal!" Kiba says in annoyance.

"Out of the way! This guy's mine!" Naruto snaps back.

"Diamond Style: Crimson Fruit!" A dome of diamond appears around both Kiba, Naruto and the others, causing Kiba to stop short while the Uzumaki slams face first into the wall. Meanwhile, my clone is healing Shikamaru's wound.

"Ayumi-chan?!" Kiba exclaims once he realises I wasn't in the diamond dome with them, as Naruto peels his face off the wall, rubbing his nose. "Hey, let us out of here!" He starts pounding at the wall of diamond.

"Yumi-chan!" Naruto gasps, beginning to hit the wall too.

I say with my back to the dome, "Stay in there, and you'll be safe. As Jounin leader, it's my duty to protect my comrades."

"Let us out!!" Kiba shouts louder as he hits the wall harder. Akamaru whimpers from inside his jacket. "Ayumi!!"

I ignore them.

"Okay, guys, open your mouths and take some of my Divine Water. It'll replenish your chakra," My clone tells them. Naruto and Kiba reluctantly turn from the wall to replenish their chakra, the same for Akamaru.

"You're their other leader? Some example you're setting, hiding in the shadows like a coward while your teammates suffer," The Sound nin mocks me.

I do swift hand signs. "Earth Style: Gaia's Shackles Jutsu." Earth covers the man's feet. Another set of hand signs. "Diamond Style: The God's Crossing's technique!" I slam my hands on the ground and spikes of diamonds shoot for the orange haired man. They shoot up around him, holding the man down. "That ought to do it."

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