Chapter 24

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

As Kilala peers out from behind the tree, we see Sakura appear beside Sasuke and startle him. We watch as the Uchiha demands her to say the password and Sakura says it word for word, relaxing Sasuke.

I say to Kilala, "We'll just wait and see what happens with that Grass ninja. They might need us."

"Of course, M' Lady."

Then, Naruto comes running in, calling, "Hey! What's up! Are y-you guys okay?!"

Sakura tells him, holding out her hand, "Don't come any closer!" Naruto stops short in surprise and nearly toppled but manages to stay on one foot. "What's the password?"

Righting his footing, Naruto says, giving a closed eye smile, "Oh, sure! No problem! Okay! A ninja waits until the time is right. When the enemy sleeps and drops his guard. When his weapons lie forgotten in the stillness of the night. That is the moment for a ninja to strike."

Sakura breathes a huge sigh of relief, putting a hand to her chest, but Sasuke throws a kunai at Naruto. He smoothly dodges it, landing on his side with a thud.

"What was that?! You could've killed me!" "Naruto" exclaims in shock.

"I gotta hand it to you, you're quicker than the last one," Says Sasuke.

"What are you talking about?! What was wrong with that?! He just got the password right, word for word!" Sakura exclaims.

"Exactly. That's what's wrong," The Uchiha states.


"Naruto" sits up as Sasuke demands, "Do you really think Naruto could memorise all that, and get it word for word?" Sakura gasps at this revelation. "Not the Naruto I know—not in a million years! You'd have a better chance teaching it to a hamster."

Sakura grumbles in agreement, "Oh, right. You've got a point."

He adds, "Besides, you saw the way this guy moved when he dodged Sasuke's attack. That was definitely not a Naruto move. Alright. Come on out, whoever you are! Party's over!"

Naruto gives a scary grin that was definitely unlike his warm one, and I shudder as his tongue runs along his lips. "Naruto" muses in a voice unlike his own, "Aren't we the clever ones." "Naruto" then poofs away to reveal the same female Grass ninja from before. She addresses Sasuke, "Tell me, if your teammate is really that dim witted, why would you come up with a password he'd never be able to remember?"

Sasuke responds, "You see, it wasn't meant for Naruto, so much as for anybody who might happen to be nearby, trying to eavesdrop on us. It was meant as a trap, and you stumbled right into it!"

The Grass ninja takes off her hat as she purrs, "I'm impressed. You certainly haven't dropped your guard, have you? This promises to be very entertaining." I shudder again as she flicks her tongue out and it brushes the edge of her hat, before running along her lips.

" I shudder again as she flicks her tongue out and it brushes the edge of her hat, before running along her lips

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