Chapter 12

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

I'd shared a room with Sakura, Naruto and Sasuke had shared a room together, and Kakashi got his own room.

Sakura had seen the scar on my left side when we were getting dressed, but thankfully she didn't see that mark—I'll be sure to tell Kakashi about it when we get home.

I'd told Sakura to go out for breakfast before me as there was something I needed to do.

I kneel on my futon mattress, and perform hand signs. I say softly, "Summoning Jutsu."

I never understood why people always shouted out their Jutsus, but I guess they can't help it due to the rush of adrenaline from battle.

There's a large poof of smoke and a silky female voice greets me, "It's been awhile, M' Lady. Why have you summoned me?"

The smoke clears and a large tiger with orange and black stripped fur and amber eyes appears before me, fangs protruding from her jaws. She's no higher than my waist, big enough to ride on, but still bigger than the average tiger.

 She's no higher than my waist, big enough to ride on, but still bigger than the average tiger

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"Hello, Kilala. It has. Listen, I need your advice," I say and she sits down as she listens to me when I tell her everything that's happened. "..... So, now they pretty much know everything about my past, except for my former master." Kilala growls at that. She and my other tigers hate him with a fiery passion. "I'll probably tell Kakashi back in the Leaf. Eventually. So, do you think I should try trusting these ninja?"

"Hm. Well, if this is the Kakashi Hatake you've told me about, then you trust him, don't you?" She questions, making me nod my head with my blank look. "As for the others... I'll have to see for myself. Perhaps I'll accompany you to breakfast?"

"Okay. Sounds good," I say before I stand up.

Kilala and I leave the bedroom and make our way to the dining room. My tiger can just barely fit. When we enter, we find Sakura, Sasuke, Kakashi, Tazuna, Inari and Tsunami already at breakfast.

The second Sakura sees me with Kilala, she immediately screams in fear and jumps ten feet into the air, while everyone else widens their eyes.

"Th-There's a big tiger!!" Sakura screams as she points at Kilala. Sasuke tenses, as though readying to fight my summoning.

"Why, good morning!" Kilala chimes sweetly, giving a closed eye smile that just freaks Sakura out even more.

"And... And she talks!!"

"Ayumi, where did this tiger come from?" Kakashi asks wearily, eyeing her.

"You can relax. This is Kilala. She's just one of my summoning tigers and she specialises in Fire Style Ninjutsu. Each of my tiger summoning as has their own special abilities," I explain.

"I had no idea you had a summoning contract," Kakashi says in surprise.

Sasuke says, as though remembering the Tora mission, "Well, now we know why you're so good with cats."

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