Chapter 58

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

There's a loud clang as my sword collides with the girl's. We pull back as she lands and our feet skid around each other as we clash blades again.

I lock my blue eyes with those of the girl's and we exchange blow after blow. I was surprised as she's able to keep up with me, our swords like quicksilver.

We pull away and throw a Diamond Needle at each other. The two attacks cancel each other out.

"Ayumi!" Kiba exclaims.

"Stay out of this, Kiba!" I call back before the girl vanishes again. I barely manage to block another blow for my left side. I deflect it and feint for the girl's own side, but she deflects that too.

"I'm impressed you're able to keep up with me," The girl says.

I smirk. "Huh. That's funny. I was just about to say the same thing!"

"Diamond Style: The God's Crossings Technique!" The girl says and slams her hands on the ground.

I mirror her attack with my own and the two techniques race towards each other. They collide against one another with a clang, shattering upon impact.

"Earth Style: Gaia's Reach!" I thrust my hand forward and the girl's eyes jerk wide before she's slammed into by one of the earthen pillars. Her back meets the tree and she slumps to the ground.

I use my enhance speed to run at her with my sword pulled back. The girl gasps and rolls out of the way just in time before my sword could pierce her. It slams into the tree trunk and I grunt.

I whirl around in time to block another swipe of her sword.

"Who are you?!" I demand to know, pressing my blade against hers. She doesn't answer. "Fine. Then I'm just going to have to kill you." I jump back and do swift hand signs. "Chidori!" The lightning forms in my left hand and the girl gasps.

I lunge at her and thrust my hand forward. It pierced her right shoulder and she cries out at the pain. Kiba cheers at my victory as I pull away. The girl clutches her bleeding shoulder.

"What technique is that? That's not a Kongoseki technique, yet you use our Diamond Style."

I respond flippantly, "My Guardian taught it to me! One more of it and you're finished. You're not really going to talk, are you?"

The girl hisses, "Go to hell!"

"Fine, then," I say with a shrug of my shoulders. I dash forward with my second lightning burst in my palm. The girl was a bit quicker this time and just barely manages to jump back to avoid my thrust. It slams into the ground, exploding slightly.

"Diamond Style: Crystal Beam!" I gasp and jerk my head up to see a beam of crystalline energy shoot for me.

"Diamond Style: Diamond Encampment Wall!" I spread my arms and a massive wall of diamond appears. The beam of energy hits the wall but it holds.

"Water Style: Liquid Bullet!" The girl sends out a barrage of bullets for me when I've lowered the wall.

I do fast hand signs as I say, "Diamond Style: Imprisonment Wave!" I throw out my hands and the bullets of water become crystallised in diamond before shattering completely. The girl scowls. "Diamond Style: Diamond Tiger!"

The girl's eyes jerk wide as a tiger made entirely of diamond races towards her, letting out a roar.

The girl goes to move out of the way but the tiger raises its paw and swipes for her right arm. She cries out at the deep gash.

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