Chapter 53

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

"Huh! Huh! Take this, nii-san!" I shout as I run at my six year old brother, Hilaru, diamond katana gripped in hand. He has his own diamond katana gripped in his his hand.

We clash our swords against each other while training outside our house, our parents watching from the back porch. A few days have passed since Kakashi Hatake left after guarding me and my brother, and things have been pretty quiet here in the Land of Diamonds.

Suddenly, Hikaru sweeps my feet out from under me and I feel my blue eyes widen as I fall onto my back. Hikaru grins as he straddles my waist, holding his sword to my face.

"Got you, imotou-chan!" He laughs. I scowl before I smirk. Hikaru gets to his feet but I move quickly and sweep his own feet from under him, before Hikaru's back hits the ground. His blue eyes jerk wide right before I straddle his waist, pointing my sword at him. Hikaru gazes up at me with wide, shocked eyes, before he scowls.

I laugh as mum and dad clap, my mum laughing softly as the breeze tosses her long raven hair, so dark it was almost purple, across her shoulders.

"You cheated!" Hikaru says as I jump to my feet.

"Did not. I just caught you off guard," I retort. "As a ninja, you have to be ready for anything!" Hikaru scowls again.

Then we all burst out laughing. I hold out my hand and help my brother to his feet. He was brushing dust off when suddenly, there's the sound of the door being kicked open.

Mum and dad jump to their feet as an explosion comes from the main village, as our large house is situated a little ways from the village, with a paddock and stable that houses my palomino mare, Setsuna.

"Wh-What was that?" I stammer as Hikaru gets in front of me protectively.

Laughter reaches us as a man with blonde hair and green eyes breaks down the back door with a blast of lightning.

"Which one of you is the little Princess?" He asks. His gaze drifts over us before finding me behind Hikaru. "You." The man approaches me but Hikaru creates another sword, brandishing it before him. "Stay back!"

The man sends out a blast of lightning that destroys Hikaru's sword and knocks my brother aside with his fist to his temple. Hikaru grunts in pain as he hits the ground.

"Hikaru-nii!" I exclaim, dropping to my knees beside him and placing my hands on his shoulders. I look up at the blonde man fearfully. He's definitely not from around here, considering his appearance... who is he?

"My master would've pleased," The blonde man says as he reaches a hand out to me. Hikaru growls as he sits up. A silver needle flies towards the blonde man and grazes his right cheek, slicing off a bit of his hair that extends past his shoulders. He turns a glare to my mother.

"Don't touch my babies!" She growls before doing more hand signs. "Diamond Release: Scarlet Needle!"

Needles of diamond protrude from the man's body as screams and the sounds of fighting come from the village. I gasp and bury my face in Hikaru's shoulder as blood sprays slightly.

I look up as mum and dad exchange worried glances.

In the house, Mum heals Hikaru's temple as dad says, "Your mother and I are going to investigate what's happening in the village. You two stay here, and do what your brother says, Ayumi-chan."

"But—!" I protest, only for mum to cut me off.

"That's an order!"

".... Alright mother," I murmur, nodding.

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