Chapter 49

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

I wait for about one and a half weeks before I go check on Naruto. I wonder if he and Jiraiya had found Tsunade yet.

I dress in a purple long sleeved kimono with flowers on it and a pink and purple obi tied around my waist, with my sakura jewellery and black strappy open toed sandals with a heel on. I'd packed a bag just in case Jiraiya and Naruto were still searching and stopped by to check on Kakashi as I had done the last two weeks, before checking my Diamond Telescope for Jiraiya and Naruto.

 I'd packed a bag just in case Jiraiya and Naruto were still searching and stopped by to check on Kakashi as I had done the last two weeks, before checking my Diamond Telescope for Jiraiya and Naruto

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I'd rotated between training on my own and working in the hospital to keep me busy. The nurses were really happy with my work.

They're in a different town in a tavern with a blonde haired, caramel brown eyed woman and a woman with charcoal coloured hair and black eyes. I ask Kiba to look after Tsuki and Shiro for me before I summon Miyuki for company and ride on her as we head for the town. The crescent moon was out when I eventually find the tavern and enter, dismounting my tiger.

I pause in the doorway as the bartender calls to me, "Welcome! Come on in!" My eyes soon find the same women from before, along with Jiraiya and Naruto at a back table.

I gesture for Miyuki to follow me and I stand beside the table with the backs of my hands on my hips. "There you are. Been looking for you everywhere!" I greet the males, causing all four heads, including a pig wearing a sleeveless red vest and pearls, to turn.

I notice a pretty blue crystal necklace around Tsunade's neck, and think it must be the First Hokage's necklace. Tsunade wears a sleeveless light coloured kimono top with black Capri and black strappy sandals, and the raven haired woman next to her wears a long sleeved black kimono with a mesh shirt beneath, and the same sandals on her feet.

"Yumi-chan!!" Naruto greets brightly.

"You made it after all," Jiraiya says, grinning. "How'd you find us?"

I reply, "With my Diamond Telescope Jutsu. It's like the Third Hokage's Jutsu but formed from my Diamond Release."

"Who's this?" Tsunade asks, she and the ravenette eyeing my tiger as I slide in beside Naruto.

"Ayumi Kongoseki," Jiraiya introduces with a smirk, causing both women's eyes to jerk wide. "Princess Ayumi Kongoseki, I should say."

"You're the Kongoseki princess?" Tsunade says in surprise as we place our order.

"I was. You may also know me as Kasumi Miyamoto," I add.

"As in, the assassin, Kasumi Miyamoto?!" The ravenette says nervously.

"As in, the assassin, Kasumi Miyamoto?!" The ravenette says nervously

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