Chapter 39

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

The following day, I wait at the usual spot for my training.

I look up from my book when Yugao Sensei appears. "What? No surprise attack this time?" I inquire.

"Let's get started on your training," She says.

I pause. Something seems kind of off about her...

I shrug it off and put my book away. As I stand up, I fling out my left hand as I call, "Diamond Style: Diamond Needles!" A few diamond needles fly straight for the purple haired ANBU. She swiftly dodges them. "Water Style: Dazzling Sphere!" I create a large ball of water and throw it at Yugao. She dodges it and it bursts upon impacting the ground behind her. "Earth Style: Gaia's Shackles Jutsu!" Instead of chains, earth wraps around Yugao's feet, trapping her in place. "Wind Style: Dance of Wind Blades!" I thrust out both arms and blades of wind fly for Yugao.

When they hit, she disappears in a puff of smoke and is replaced with a log.

I use my Seismic Sense to feel for the real kunoichi.

Sensing her on my right, I do swift hand signs. "Water Style: Water Pillar!" A huge pillar of water shoots up in front of Yugao. She jumps around it. "Wind Style: Typhoon Storm!" I thrust out my arm and wind tears through the area, but Yugao holds her ground and throws up her arms to protect her face from the stinging wind.

When it stops, Yugao takes out three shuriken and throws them at me, then three more. I create a Diamond Needle and swiftly deflect them. As I do, Yugao throws more shuriken at me. One grazes my left upper arm, the other my right forearm, and one in the back of my left hand, making me wince.

I just pull it out and throw it back at Yugao. She takes out a kunai knife and deflects it. Then starts running for me while throwing the kunai knife. I use my needle to deflect it as well.

"Water Whip Jutsu!" I send out a Water Whip to latch around her. It wraps around Yugao's waist and pulls taut.

I fling out a couple more needles and they dig into her left upper arm. With a poof, she disappears. I look around to see Yugao running at me from my left. I throw out my Water Whip to strike her but Yugao dodges the first one. She avoids the second lash as well, coming closer all the time.

I create another Water Whip to lash out at Yugao. She leaps into the air and pulls out her sword with a shaky hand. I narrow my blue eyes as I create my own Diamond Katana. When I bring it up to block her sword, Yugao's sword goes flying out of her grip and embeds itself in the ground.

I stop short of hurting Yugao as she lands on the ground before me, my sword inches from her cat mask.

"Yugao Sensei, what's wrong? You seem off today," I say as I disperse my sword and straighten my stance. "Your grip is usually much stronger that that."

Yugao doesn't say anything for a long moment. I couldn't even tell what she's feeling, due to the mask concealing her face. "..... It's nothing. Right now, I... I can't even lift a sword!" Yugao says shakily, dropping to her knees. I rush up to her and crouch beside Yugao. "I'm sorry, Ayumi. I don't know if I can train you today."

"It's ok, Yugao Sensei. There's still 1 week till the finals. I'll train on my own if I have to," I tell her assuringly.

Yugao sobs but I hold her tightly.

Once she'd calmed down enough, I use my healing Jutsu on Yugao to help relieve some of her stress. She decides to call off training for today and I agree, going back into town.


After having healed my wounds from training, I sit beside Shikamaru, Asuma on his other side, while Choji sits across from us at Yakiniku Q.

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