Chapter 56

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

Two more days have gone by. The sun was setting, bathing the ocean in a beautiful gold, pink and purple hue, making it appear magical, and I'm leaning against the railing with Kiba when Naruto suddenly shouts.

"Look! There it is!"

We all gather at the prow of the ship, except Kakashi, who has taken up the wheel again, and my friends gasp and murmur in awe at the island before us, the high, rocky wall and mountains surrounding it.

After sailing forward for a few paces, Kakashi says, "We're going to have to anchor here and walk the rest of the way. Let's go, everyone."

We go back into our cabins to grab our bags. Apparently, Sakura had been the one to pack my bag that night they came to get me.

My friends and I step off the boat, using our chakra to walk on the water. I stay close to Kiba as we head towards my homeland. My friends murmur amongst themselves as they climb to the top of the hill and take in the beautiful sight.

Near us, further into the island, is an alcove with a waterfall pouring over it

Sheer pillars of diamonds grow out of the earth, with a bunch of smaller diamonds scattered all over

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Sheer pillars of diamonds grow out of the earth, with a bunch of smaller diamonds scattered all over. The way the setting sun shimmers on the diamonds almost makes it appear magical. To the west, on a cliff, is a huge crystal clear diamond barrier, sparkling in the sun. You could see within it the Diamond Temple. And if I squint hard enough, I could make out a cloaked figure atop the temple, gazing in our direction. Surrounding the temple are more pillars of palm sized diamonds.

I choke back a sob as I continue to gaze around the island with my friends, feeling an ache clench my heart

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I choke back a sob as I continue to gaze around the island with my friends, feeling an ache clench my heart. Kakashi notices because he gives me a sympathetic expression, his shoulders slumping.

Kakashi looks back at the village.

Ino says with a wide smile, "The diamonds are huge! And this place is amazing!"

I say flatly, "There are diamonds growing all over the island. They've been here for as long as anyone can remember. They say if you steal one, bad luck will befall you." My teammates sweat drop at my words.

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