Chapter 64

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

As mist covers the area around the tower, my team and I move out, splitting off to take out the guards.

"What the fuck?! Where'd all this mist come from?!" One of them says in confusion.

"It's so thick!" Another adds.

I appear right behind them and create my Chidori. Before the guards could turn around, I plunge my Chidori through their backs, one at a time.

Izumi asks as she cuts a guard's throat swiftly, "What technique is that?"

I reply with a Cheshire Cat grin, "Kakashi's only original technique: Chidori." I've only got one burst of Chidori left. I have to save it to finish off Shinji.

I run off to whack my frying pan of diamond against the face of a guard, hearing bone crunch.

"Nice one, Yumi-chan!" I hear Kiba whisper from nearby, making me smirk before I move on to my next target, feet moving swiftly through the mist.

I strike a guard with my pan before I plunge my blade from my right sandal into the stomach of another. As a guard runs at me, I disperse my pan and flash in front of him. My hands latch around his face before I wrench his head around. There's a sickening crunch as I break his neck. The man drops dead.

I look around and spot Akira plunging her sword into the chest of the final guard. She, Shikamaru and Izumi turn to me and flash their weapons.

I wave my hands and the mist disappears.

"The mist is clearing up. That's the signal," Kakashi says from the bushes. "Fifth floor! Go!"

As my comrades find their way into the tower, my team and I head for the top floor. I cover my hand in lightning and punch the window, causing shards of glass to rain down. Then we hop in, finding ourselves in a random room on the top floor.

Izumi says as we get in ready stances, gazing around, "Ok. Spread out everyone. Let the others know if you've found Shinji. Be careful."

We nod and split off. I immediately head for my grandfather's office where I wrap water around my arms, using my chakra. Then I spin around and thrust them forward. The water strikes the door and it bursts open, hitting the wall.

I dash inside and pause with the water swirling around me. The office was quiet and dark, moonlight pouring in through the windows. I stalk inside, but stop short at the sight of a shadowed figure at the desk.

"I was wondering when you'd return, Princess," Shinji murmurs. There's an explosion from one of the lower floors and I have to mentally face palm at my idiotic teammates. I'm guessing it was either Sasuke or Naruto. "Sounds like you've brought your friends, too."

"I didn't come here to chat, Shinji," I hiss before I thrust my Water Cloak arms at him. He ducks and they send the chair flying backwards until it crashes against the wall, tumbling to the floor.

My water arms wave around as the redhead rises and arches an eyebrow at his comfy swivel chair. "You're going to have to replace that."

"I don't care!" I shout before I last out at him again. Since Shinji keeps dodging, I disperse the water arms and activate my Diamond Armor before I swing a few punches at him. He dodges them until my right fist collides with his jaw, knocking the man backwards a few paces and crashing into a bookshelf. A few books tumble down around him.

"Not a bad punch. Are you going to summon your pets to fight for you again?" Shinji asks.

"I can kill you myself!" I seethe before I aim a roundhouse kick at his head, my small blade popping out. It grazes his head, making Shinji cry out as he staggers, clutching his wound.

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