Chapter 44

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

I look back up to where Kakashi and Gai are. They were being stopped by a bunch of ANBU. Why aren't they helping Hiruzen? More Sound ninja in printed uniforms leap out of civilian clothing and stand on either side of the ANBU.

"What is going on here?" Sasuke murmurs, gazing towards the barrier. I hear the sounds of ninja fighting in the stands.

"Stop it, Gaara!" Temari yells, gaining Sasuke's and my attention.

"I must kill him!" Gaara growls.

Gaara takes a step forward but Kankuro runs in front of him, saying desperately, "There's no point in continuing this fight!"

"That's right! Don't forget our mission," Temari reminds him.

"Out of my way!" Gaara growls, shoving the puppet user aside and taking another step towards Sasuke. Baki appears in front of the Sand Genin.

He roars at them, "What are you theee doing now?! Can you see the operation's already underway?!" Gaara groans in pain as he clutches his head.

Genma appears in front of Sasuke.

Sasuke demands, "What is going on?! Tell me!"

"Gaara!" Temari exclaims when he drops to his knees.

"What's wrong?" Asks Kankuro.

Kneeling beside the redhead, Temari examines his shoulder wound. "His wound's worse than I thought, and his chakra is almost completely drained away."

"Wait! What about using that..." Kankuro begins, only to be interrupted by Temari.

"It's impossible right now."

"You fool! It's all because you tried to transform before the signal was given!" Baki growls.

"So what do we do now?!" Kankuro asks, turning to him. "We need Gaara for this!"

Baki gazes at Gaara before saying, "Gaara's the trump card for the Village Hidden in the Sand. We have to get him to play his part, no matter what. Alright. For now, you two take Gaara and tend to his wounds. As soon as his chakra has been restored, the operation continues."

"You got it," Says Kankuro as he slings Gaara's arm over his shoulder and they all stand up.

Temari questions, "And you, Sensei?"

"I'm going to take care of these guys," Baki answers, facing Genma and Sasuke again.

"Do you really think that things will go according to your plan?" Genma asks.

"I'll make sure that they do."

The Jounin and Chunin square off with each other. I clench the railing, wondering what the bell is happening.

Baki orders the Sand Genin to leave and they bound over the wall. While the Leaf ninja scowl, Baki smirks.

"And is the host of this party Orochimaru?" Genma asks, much to our shock.

"Don't know. Don't care. Now let's heat things up, huh?" Baki retorts

Genma gives Sasuke to the order to go after the Sand Genin and I watch him leave. Baki tries to stop Sasuke but Genma cancels out his kunai.

I scowl in frustration before creating a diamond orb. I see countless Sand and Sound ninja attacking the Hidden Leaf, and a giant three headed snake summoning by one of the walls, slowly tearing its way through the village. A few Leaf ninja try to incinerate it, but the flames have no effect.

I dispel it and put my hands in a hand sign, needing to teleport to Kakashi.

I reappear beside the silver haired Jounin with a poof of smoke, my face impassive.

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