Chapter 61

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

Ino stays behind in the temple with Mio to look after her with the others while Yuki, disguised as the Yamanaka, travels with the rest of us Leaf ninja to the tower in the village.

The sun has completely set by now as we head for the village. People were milling about and chatting amongst themselves.

Yuki asks in a whisper, "My transformation is perfect, isn't it?"

"You look exactly like Ino," Says Shikamaru. Yuki grins before turning serious again.

"This'll be a cinch!" She says. We soon reach the tower and are stopped by some guards.

"Halt! State your business," The one on my right orders.

"We're the ninja Shinji-sama hired. We wish to speak with him about the rogues," Kakashi says unwaveringly. The guards exchange glances before nodding and letting us through.

We're met by Shinji at the stairs. "Welcome back, Leaf ninja! Do you bring news of the rogues?"

"We do, Shinji-sama," Kurenai says.

I bristle at the smile Shinji is giving me as he nods. "Right this way." He gestures for us to follow him up the stairs. "Tell me what you know."

We linger as he pauses on the stairs, still giving me that look.

"We encountered in one of the bandits earlier today," Kakashi says.

"Oh? I hope you were able to take care of them?"

"They weren't any trouble at all," "Ino" says as she slowly steps forward. "They even told us the location of the Divine Water."

Shinji leans forwards, an intrigued expression on his face. "Tell me more. Where is it?"

Ino smirks before subtly pulling out a kunai as she leans closer.

"Die!" She hisses through bared teeth.

Ino goes to plunge the kunai into Shinji's neck, but her body suddenly halts before swivelling around.

Towards Kiba.

"Kiba!" I exclaim. I jump in front of him and deflect Ino's knife with my own. "What are you doing?!"

Kurenai and Asuma slam their shoulders against the doors of the tower, blocking anyone from getting in.

Ino disappears with a poof of smoke to reveal Yuki's form. "I-It's not me! It's Shinji's Blood Release: Blood Flux Jutsu!"

"I'm grateful to you Leaf ninja. Not only have you brought me a Kongoseki, but you've brought me their Princess as well," Shinji says as he smiles slyly. "I've no need for this one, but the Princess is important." He flicks his fingers and Yuki goes to attack Sakura.

Yuki says, "I never thought things would turn out this badly!"

"Maybe it's because you forgot to mention one very important detail—Shinji's Kekkei Genkai!" I hiss at her. Yuki aims a swipe for the Hyuga girl.

Hinata gasps and strikes Yuki's shoulder with her palm, disabling her chakra there.

My eyes wide when Kiba and Naruto run at me with weapons in hand. I duck or block their attacks as I try to avoid hurting them.

"Dammit. Can't stop," Kiba grits out through his teeth, swinging his kunai for me.

"Water Style: Freezing Water Jutsu!" I swing my arms first at Kiba and freeze him to the wall, then at Naruto, also freezing him to the wall. "Sorry, guys!"

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