Chapter 19

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

I walk on Sasuke's other side as we head for some pillars after heading down a flight of stairs, only to be stopped by someone calling to us, "Hey, you! With the attitude! Hold on!"

"Huh?" Naruto, Sakura and I utter as the four of us whirl around. Rock Lee stands at the railing above us.

Naruto gasps while Sakura starts but I wave happily to the ravenette.

Sasuke wants to know, "What do you want?"

"I want to fight! Right here, and right now!" Says Lee.

Sasuke says with a smirk, "You wanna fight me here and now, huh?"

"Yes," Says Lee. He leaps over the railing and lands in a crouch before straightening up again. He introduces, pointing his bandaged thumb at himself, "My name is Rock Lee." He then points to Sasuke. "You said it was common courtesy for a challenger to give his own name first, right... Sasuke Uchiha?"

"Hm. So you know me?" Sasuke says in surprise, raising both eyebrows.

Lee says as he gets into a stance, "I challenge you! Everyone is always talking about the Uchiha clan, and how great they are. The Kongoseki clan are supposed to be on par with them. I want to see if it is true. I figured you will be a good test for me. And, also..." Lee looks right at Sakura as his face flushes. "Oh, Sakura... I love you!"

"Wow! He's bold!" I mutter as the pinkette cries out.

"Those eyebrows can't be real, NOOO!! Your hairstyle is horrible, too!" Sakura gasps, hugging herself as her body quivers. "And those eyebrows are so bushy! You're such a weirdo! Why didn't you try asking Ayumi to be your girlfriend?!"

I say, "Believe me, he did, Sakura. Our first meeting went a little something like this, though I didn't call him a weirdo. He still insisted on being friends, though."

Still blushing, Lee says, "You are an Angel! Sent from heaven!" When Lee winks, a pink heart flies out and for Sakura. She dodges it and the heart splatters against the pillar behind her. "That was a good move, but let us see you dodge this!"

Sakura spazzes out as Lee winks more pink hearts at her, but she dodges them all with amazing speed and reflexes. There's only a hint of sarcasm there. The last one, Sakura bends so far back that her head knocks against the wooden floor, narrowly missing the pinkette.

 The last one, Sakura bends so far back that her head knocks against the wooden floor, narrowly missing the pinkette

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