Chapter 38

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

The next morning, I wear a sleeveless black top with a purple sleeveless vest unzipped atop that, and mini black shorts with purple thigh high socks and black thigh high boots on my feet, black and purple fingerless arm warmers on my hands, the right one reaching above my elbow, left stopping below, my hair loose around my shoulders as I wander around the village, reading one of Kakashi's Icha Icha Paradise books, my face flushed red, on my way to meet up with my Sensei, Yugao Uzuki.

The next morning, I wear a sleeveless black top with a purple sleeveless vest unzipped atop that, and mini black shorts with purple thigh high socks and black thigh high boots on my feet, black and purple fingerless arm warmers on my hands, the ri...

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I'd raided his room two weeks in search of something I could use against him, and got the idea to throw his precious porn into a river in the deepest part of the Forest of Death.

Ha! That'll teach him to ditch me for Sasuke during training!

"Geez, whoever wrote this must be a massive pervert ," I mutter to myself, having binged them in the past two weeks.

As I was so busy reading while walking, I fail to notice someone in front of me before I collide with a wall of flesh. I cry out as I fall back on my butt, my book dropping from my hands.

"Yumi-chan!!" I rub my nose as I flick my blue gaze up to meet the animal like eyes of Kiba, a grin plastered to his face.

"K-Kiba-kun! S-Sorry! I wasn't watching where I was going," I say as he holds out his hand to me. I take it and he helps me to my feet. I'd also invited him over most nights the past two weeks and we'd watch movies (mostly the Princess Gale movies are they're my favourite), eat popcorn and play card or board games so I'll have company in the empty apartment.

But Kiba only stayed until bedtime, then he had to go home.

"You could say that again," He says before bending down to pick up my book. My face flushes more as Kiba reads the title aloud. ""Icha Icha Paradise?""

"Give me that!" I snap as I snatch the book from his hands, hugging it close to me. "I-It's not mine. I "borrowed" it from Kakashi."

"Why can't you just buy it yourself?"

"I'm not exactly old enough to. I'm reading it and stealing his books as part of my vengeance for his ditching me for Sasuke for this month's training," I tell him.

"You're getting back at Kakashi Sensei like that?"

"No," I say pointedly before a devious look appears on my face, making the Inuzuka give a large sweat drop. "First, I'm going to read them and hide them in my bedroom till after the Chunin Exams, then I'm going to throw all of his precious books in a river in the deepest, darkest part of the Forest of Death! Mwuhahahaha!!" My evil laugh causes him and even Akamaru to give another large sweat drop.

"You're so evil. I like it!" He says, grinning, making me blush again. Just then, Shino and Hinata come up to us.

"Hey, guys! How's your training going, Shino?" I greet, making sure Hinata can't see the title or image on both sides of the book.

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