Naruto, The Movie: The Legend of the Stone of Gelel, Part 2

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

I wake up to the sound of Naruto yelling in my face.

"... Yumi-chan?! Ayumi?! Yumi—chaaannn!! Please wake up!! Please don't be dead!!" Y-You've gotta live or Kakashi Sensei will kill meee!!"

"Uuugghh! Naruto, shuddup!" I groan sleepily, slapping his face away. He cries out as I hear a thump, meaning he's collapsed on the floor. "Just a few more minutes!"

"But, Ayu-chan! You're awake!!" The Uzumaki cries happily, jumping back to his feet. I groan as I force my eyes open, hearing voices nearby. I then push myself up into a sitting position, only to be attacked with a hug from Naruto. "I'm so happy you're awake!! I was so worried when I saw you unconscious!!"

He cries as he hugs me. "I was... unconscious? What happened...?" I mumble.

Naruto keeps hugging me as I see an old man with a pointy beard and moustache from behind my friend, holding a bowl and pestle. He smiles kindly at me. I notice it was dark outside.

I blink my eyes a few times, trying to remember the past few hours. When it all does come back, the ferret, the attack of the armored giants and blonde boy, then us falling down the cliffs, pain like nothing I've felt before burns through my back and my body instantly goes statue still, trembling at the pain as I sweat drop profusely.

It was even worse because Naruto was still hugging the life out of me.

"N-Naruto-kun... you're h-hurting me..." I say quietly, causing Naruto to instantly freeze.

"Oh! I'm so sorry, Ayu-chan! I didn't mean to...! I was just so relieved you're alive!" Naruto apologises as the old man chuckles and he quickly pulls back, allowing for the blanket to slide down.

I smile through my agony as I say, winking, "Of course I'm not dead! All thanks to my Divine Water!"

I smile through my agony as I say, winking, "Of course I'm not dead! All thanks to my Divine Water!"

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"Oh..." Naruto utters even as his face flushes crimson.

I ignore him for the moment as the old man gestures for me to turn around. I do and he starts brushing some medicinal herb paste on my back wound. Beside us, I see a few other people playing instruments, chatting and laughing, kids playing, and other adults making some kind of dough.

I ask, "So who are you, Gramps?"

"I'm the Elder of this caravan. The name's Kahiko," Says the old man.


"That's right, Miss. The villagers refer to us as the nomadic tribe. Like your friend, I didn't think you'd wake up for another two or three days, at least. We travel near and far. As the seasons dictate for centuries," Explains Kahiko.

Naruto utters, looking curious, "Oh, yeah...?"

"Fortune was smiling down on you, Miss. if we hadn't been passing by the moment we did, the river would've washed the three of you away," Kahiko tells us, brushing more of the paste on my back.

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