Chapter 34

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

I spend the next few minutes tending to both Akamaru's and Kiba's wounds. I'd finished healing the smaller wounds Kiba received and I'm now healing his head while he sits up in a hospital bed, his eyes glued to me the whole time.

After several heartbeats, I'd finished healing his head wound and pull back, dumping the water around my hands back into the small bucket beside me the medics had brought in. I sit back on my heels with a sigh, swiping the back of my hand across my forehead.

I ask Kiba, dropping my hand, "How do you feel?"

"Heh. Good as new! Thanks!" He says, making me smile. "How's Akamaru?"

I say, glancing to the puppy asleep at Kiba's side, "With some rest, he'll be fine in a few hours." Kiba looks relieved by this.

"So, what's with that cool Water Style Jutsu?"

"Huh? It's a Jutsu only my clan knows," I reply, flicking my gaze back to him.

"Well, it works wonders! And, thanks again for saving Akamaru, Yumi-chan," He says.

I say, "Anytime."

Kiba's grin drops as he sighs, "I just hate that I lost. I was hoping to impress you by winning against Naruto. I didn't even make it past the Preliminaries."

I stare at him as I say, "Kiba, you did impress me!" He looks at me in surprise. "I thought your fight against Naruto-kun was awesome!"

Kiba blushes at my compliments. He says happily, "Gee, thanks, Yumi-chan! That means a lot, coming from you."

I say as I lean forwards on my hands, my eyes half lidded, causing Kiba to blush as my hair falls forward in a black curtain, "And, you know what? Win or lose these exams... I'd still choose to be your girlfriend." Kiba goes rigid with surprise as I lean in and kiss his cheek. I let my lips linger for a heartbeat longer, and when I pull back, Kiba's face is crimson red. I giggle as he gazes at me in awe.


I nod my head as I say, "Uh huh. But, I just want to focus on the Chunin Exams right now."

"Hey! Well, after that, I can totally wait!" Kiba says, grinning goofily.

I call for the nurse to bring some beef jerky and chocolate chip cookies, as well as some soda, before I perch on the other bed, Shiori curled on the floor at my feet.

As we eat our snacks, Kiba asks, "So what's the deal with Kakashi? He seems pretty overprotective, huh?"

I deadpan as I say, "You could say that. It's only because he was given a mission by Hokage-sama to guard me and watch over me when I first came to the Leaf Village. Even before he knew who I really am."

"Why?" Asks Kiba.

"Well, it's not like Hokage-sama could just let a fully trained assassin such as myself wander freely around his village, could he? For all he know, I could slaughter hundreds of civilians."

Kiba sweat drops as he mumbles, "Good point."

"And, also, Kakashi is like a father to me, so maybe that's why," I add thoughtfully.

Kiba and I chat for awhile longer until the medics rush in, asking for me to go to the Emergency Room to treat an unconscious Hinata, who'd gone into cardiac arrest due to a powerful blow from her cousin.

Feeling my blood boil with rage at what Neji had tried to do, I immediately set to work by wrapping water around my hands and placing them over Hinata's left chest. My hands glow a faint white light as the medics leave and I begin to heal my friend.

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