Chapter 79

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

I stand before a little boy who could be no older than me, a gag around his mouth and his hands tied behind his back; his ankles had also been tied.

I tremble before the wide, tear filled eyed boy as I grip a Diamond Katana in my hands, my own, crystal blue eyes wide. It's been six months since I was forced to come to this place, and I'd been tortured and forced to kill people among other horrible things.

"Go on, Ayumi," Raiden says in his deep voice. He stands off in the shadows. "Do it. Kill him."

"I won't!!" I scream as I shake my head vehemently. "I can't! P-Please, don't make me do this. Not again! I-I'll do anything you want, just don't make me kill anymore!"

"Ayumi," Says Raiden with an admonishing tone. I turn my head only for my body to freeze at the sight of his emerald green eyes, glimmering with rage. "Do yo want to leave this place? Do you ever want to return home?"

"Return home?! How can I, when you took that from me?!! You're the murderer here, not m—!" I'm cut off as my body freezes once more, this time when he activates his Kekkei Genkai, the Seishengan.

"Now, kill him," Raiden says to me in my head.

I slowly turn to face my victim. The boy pushes further against the wall, as if that would help him escape. I slowly raise my Diamond Katana, and the boy sobs harder, dark gaze pleading.

"I'm sorry," I wanted to say, but couldn't due to Raiden's control over me. I bring my sword down and it plunges deep into the boy's chest. Crimson blood sprays and splatters my face and arms. I hear Raiden laughing gleefully as I feel myself come back into focus.

My eyes jerk wide at the sight of the dead boy before me. Instantly, my arms begin to shake and I feel bile rise to my throat.

I freeze as a hand takes some of my inky black hair into its grip and Raiden says next to my ear, "Good girl. Next time you think about disobeying me, I'll use my Kekkei Genkai on you again. Understand?"

I whimper as I nod my head. "Yes...."

"Yes, what?" I try not to look at him for fear of being caught in his mind controlling Kekkei Genkai again.

"Yes.... Master...." I whimper softly, feeling like crying.

Raiden caresses my cheek as he murmurs in a pleased tone, "Good. I'll let you rest for tonight. In the morning, it's back to torture."

I tremble at the thought but I'm forced to go with the blonde haired man anyway.

"Kakashi-kun... where are you...?" I think sadly, my bangs hiding my gaze. It may have been six months since the ANBU Captain left, but I still pray he'd find me, everyday.

And yet, he never did.

Kiba's P. O. V:

I sit beside Ayumi in her hospital room, feeling worried about her. When Gaara told me what happened, I felt such rage that I'd wanted to get revenge, but he'd held me back.

I hold Ayumi's hand in mine when there's a knock on the door. "Come in," I call. In walk Naruto, Gaara, Kankuro and Temari, the latter two having had their injuries healed. "You guys..." I blink my eyes in surprise.

"We came to see how Ayumi was doing before we left for the Hidden Sand," Temari says.

"How is she?" Asks Gaara, gazing at the ravenette.

"As you can see, she hasn't woken up yet," I tell them. "Who knows when she will."

Just then, I hear sobbing and we all look to see tears leaving through Ayumi's closed eyelids. Crap—she must be stuck in a nightmare!

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