Chapter 78

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

"Tornado Lightning!" Hotaru calls before thrusting her hands forwards. Powerful lightning races towards me and Gaara.

We jump out of the way and I do hand signs as the others engage the rest of the Five Elementals. "Lightning Style: Lightning Fang!" I shoot lightning towards the green eyed woman but she uses her own lightning to deflect it.

"Oh? You use Lightning Style now. That's new," Says Hotaru as Gaara and I land back on the ground.

"Earth Style: Stone Column Spear!" Daiki calls as he sends spikes of wary racing for Kakashi and Kankuro. Tsume and Asuma team up to fight Homura, while Temari takes on Mika.

"Wind Scythe Jutsu!" Temari swings her giant, open fan and sends a blast of wind for the green eyed woman. It tears through the clearing but Mika survives the attack.

"My Guardian taught it to me," I say to Hotaru.

"Your... Guardian..." Hotaru tilts her head towards Kakashi who's fending off Daiki's earth attacks. "Yes, we've heard all about your little connection to the Copy Ninja. Maybe I should just kill him! Lightning Style—"

I cut Hotaru off by appears in front of her and slamming a roundhouse kick to the side of her head, knocking Hotaru back. She seethes while whipping a dark glare to me. "I don't think so!" I hiss at her.

"You little brat!"

"Diamond Style: Thunder God's Strike!" I hold up my arm and thrust it forwards, sending out countless swords and spears at the Murakami woman.

"Lightning Style: Lightning Fang!" Hotaru hoods out her arms and destroys my diamond weaponry with ease. "Protective, aren't we?" She sneers at me.

I snap, "I won't let you hurt Kakashi! Your fight is with me!"

"Sand Bullet!" Bullets of sand shoot past me and aim right for Hotaru. She swiftly dodges them. "Sand Shuriken!" Gaara sends a wave of sand shuriken at Hotaru who dodges them again. "She's fast."

I say in agreement, "Of course she is." I do hand signs. "Earth Style: Gaia's Shackles Jutsu." Hotaru's green orbs jerk wide as she goes to move but her feet get caught in my Earth Style Jutsu. She grits her teeth while trying to yank her feet free but to no avail. "Can't move, huh?" I mock. "Let's finish this, Gaara."

"Right," He says and holds out his hand.

"Wind Scythe Jutsu!" Temari calls while waving her fan. Wind tears towards Mika who somehow manages to avoid the fan.

"Is that the best you can do?! Wind Style: Blade Dance!" Mika thrusts her arm forward and sends blades of wind for Temari. She blasts them aside with her giant fan.

Kankuro has his Black Ant puppet out and using his chakra strings to control it. It tries to trap Daiki but he dodges it or lashes out with his Stone Column Spear Jutsu.

"Earth Style: Earth Dragon!" Daiki creates a dragon of earth that lunges for Kankuro and Kakashi. It plunged toward them but they dodge.

"These guys are annoyingly persistent," Comments Kankuro.

"Yeah," Agrees Kakashi. When Daiki Ora to create another Earth Dragon, Kakashi copies it and his Earth Dragon rises up before colliding with Daiki's.

"Fang Over Fang!" Tsume shouts as she and Kuromaru. They twist towards Homura who leaps away from them, and does hand signs.

"Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!" Homura blows out a fireball and Asuma does his own hand signs.

"Fire Style: Burning Ash!" He blows out a stream of thick ash and it bursts into flames upon making contact with Homura's own Jutsu, then it explodes, throwing the blonde man backwards.

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