Chapter 20

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

On our way to room 301, Naruto asked me what Lee meant when he'd said the Kongoseki clan were on par with the Uchiha. I'd replied that they were one of the strongest clans in existence alongside the Uchiha, Hyuga and Senju, and were renown for their strength.

When we make it to the classroom, we're met by Kakashi, a relieved look in his visible eye. "I'm glad you came, Sakura. For your sake, and the others," He says, surprising us. "Now, you can all formally register for the Chunin Exam."

Sakura questions, "Why? What do you mean?"

Kakashi explains, "You see, only groups of three—in this case, four—are allowed to apply for and take the exam. That's the way it's always been."

"But, Sensei, you said the decision to take the exam was up to the individual."

"That's right. I did."

Sakura stutters in confusion, "W-Was that a lie?"

"Sort of," He says. "It is an individual decision, but it effects all of you. I didn't tell you before because I didn't want the other guys pressuring you." Naruto nods his head once in agreement. "At the same time, I didn't want you feeling obliged to participate because of any feelings you might have for Sasuke, or Naruto or Ayumi. I wanted you to come to a decision of your own free will."

Sakura says in realisation, "Wait a minute... do you mean, if the others had shown up but I decided not to come with them..."

"It would've been the end of the line. If you hadn't come along, I couldn't have let the others in. Even with Ayumi making up the third member, it's still not a full squad without you, Sakura," States Kakashi. "But, you're all here, and for the right reason. Sakura, Naruto, Sasuke and Ayumi." We all smile at him. "I'm proud of you!" He gives us a closed eye smile. "I couldn't ask for a better team."

He looks at us, but gives me a nervous smile. Sakura notices and asks, "What is it, Sensei?"

"O-Oh, uh, nothing, really." I smirk as Kakashi gets a bit more nervous. He must be referring to my "punishment" from last night. I'd given him and Iruka Sensei such a stern talking to that they'd been shaken to their core in fear, and I'd given both a hit on the head with my frying pan Jutsu for the mistake of calling me Princess the day before.

I'd then left the men with Kilala and I didn't talk to Kakashi when he did get home, as I was still upset with him.

Kakashi clears his throat as he steps to the side and tells us, "Good luck!"

Naruto says as Sakura and Sasuke go t open the doors, "We won't let you down, Sensei! Believe it!"

Kakashi makes me hang back by gripping my shoulder and I gaze up at him quizzically. He says to me quietly, "Be careful in there, Ayumi. If things go south, you're being pulled out."

My eyes widen slightly before I blink them in puzzlement as my teammates glance back at us. Then, I understood what he meant. I give the silverette a grin as I say confidently, knowing he's referring to my Curse Mark, "You don't have to worry about me, Kakashi. I've got this in the bag!"

He gives me his signature closed eye smile before taking his hand away, allowing for me to catch up with my teammates.

I was still grinning as Sakura and Sasuke push the doors open, and we enter the classroom, the doors closing behind us.

When Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke and I enter the room, we're met with the glares of the many, many Genin in the room. Though, for some reason, I get the feeling over half of those glares are fixated on me. Probably because word has already spread far and wide about me being an assassin trained by Zabuza Momochi...

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