Chapter 62

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Naruto's P. O. V:

"Hey, let us out!! Come on! Open the door!" I shout as I bang on the door. Our wrists had been bound in front of us in shackles by Shinji's guards.

"It's no use. I don't smell anyone out there," Kiba says. We'd been thrown in some random room in the tower. It looks kind of like a storage room or something.

"There's gotta be some way out of here," I mumble.

"We do need to get out and get Yumi-chan out of this place before that bastard can do anymore harm to her," Says Kiba, and I get angry at the memory of those scratches on her. How dare he hurt my friend!

I notice the keyhole in the door and I figure we could pick the lock. I dig out my kunai knife and say to Kiba, "Maybe we could pick the lock with this after cutting the chains in our shackles."

"Not bad. For once," Kiba quips and I had to deadpan. I then set to work sawing away at the chain, grunting with the effort. Kiba does the same. It takes a few moments but eventually, we got the chains cut. Akamaru barks happily as Kiba and I grin at each other.

I then start to pick at the lock but I was struggling a little.

"Hurry it up, man," Kiba hisses.

"I'm trying," I mutter back before I finally hear a click. My eyes light up with hope at this. "Got it!" I throw open the door and Kiba and I rush out. However, just as we do, we're met by a couple of Shinji's men. "Move it!"

They just ready their stances and swords.

I was about to create a few Shadow Clones but Kiba shouts as he and Akamaru spin rapidly past me, "Fang Over Fang!" They collide with the men and the guards cry out as they're knocked to the floor. I grin as I follow Kiba to the main lobby of the hotel.

On the way, we bump into more guards. I'd used my Rasengan on a couple of them while Kiba used his Fang Over Fang. We eventually make it to the stairs and run up them to the top floor.

We skid to a halt and I pick at the lock as fast as I can. When I hear the click, Kiba and I burst into the office. We see Ayumi lying on the floor like before, but with a few more scratches on her right leg.

"Yumi-chan!" Kiba and I gasp as we rush over to her. I saw at the chain in Ayumi's shackles and her eyes blink open as Kiba pulls her into his lap, Akamaru whimpering.

"Hey, you okay? Can you walk?" Kiba asks softly.

"Y-Yeah. Just let me heal myself. How did you guys get out?" Ayumi asks as she wraps water around her hands and heals the cut on her right shoulder first.

"It was a piece of cake, though we ran into some guards on the way," I tell the ravenette.

"Shinji's men have probably been alerted of our escape by now," Ayumi murmurs.

"So what? We'll punch our way out," Kiba says. Ayumi soon finishes healing herself and Kiba helps her to her feet.

Ayumi hugs him and says, "Thank you for coming for me."

Kiba smiles and hugs her back. "Always, Yumi-chan."

"Heeeyyy, what about me?! I rescued you too," I whine, wanting to hug my best friend, too.

Ayumi chuckles slightly before wrapping her arms around me. I return the hug, meeting Kiba's gaze over her shoulder. We smirk at each other.

Mission: Rescue Yumi-chan, ac-complished!

Ayumi and I break the hug and Kiba grabs her hand before we race out of her grandfather's office, and head for the stairs, hearts pounding rapidly in our chests.

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