Chapter 7

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Kasumi's P. O. V:

"Now, it's your turn!" The Mist ninja on the left chuckles.

I'd launched myself into the air using my enhanced speed and flip around before landing right behind Naruto, my long black swaying about my shoulders as a shadow hides my eyes, a hand bracing on the ground.

Everyone gasps as Naruto whips around to me, only for them to shrink at the sight of my eyes practically burning crimson, a deadly aura surrounding my being.

Everyone gasps as Naruto whips around to me, only for them to shrink at the sight of my eyes practically burning crimson, a deadly aura surrounding my being

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Before anyone has time to react, I charge at the Mist ninja, channeling chakra through my right leg

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Before anyone has time to react, I charge at the Mist ninja, channeling chakra through my right leg. My leg whizzes through the air at lightning speed as I loom in front of the ninja on my right and my foot connects with his stomach, sending him flying up, spinning through the air as his eyes bug in their sockets. I then appear right before the second ninja, my left fist clenched so tightly my nails bite into my palms, my arm pulled back taut. I channel chakra into it before I launch my arm forwards in a vicious swing and my fist connects with the ninja's nose, causing him to fly back and crash against his friend. They grunt at the pain before crashing onto the ground and sliding back several feet.

They eventually come to a stop as I straighten my stance, feeling my teammates gaping at me as everyone, except Sasuke, looks on me in fear

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They eventually come to a stop as I straighten my stance, feeling my teammates gaping at me as everyone, except Sasuke, looks on me in fear. Though, I can see a large sweat drop on the side of his head, his onyx coloured eyes wide as saucers the only sign of his fear.

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