Chapter 77

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

We travel in silence for the next three days to the border of the Land of Wind. Kakashi has been late, as usual and I got ticked off for some reason, which had made him a little nervous. But we took off for the Land of Wind in no time. I keep getting lost in my thoughts as we travelled, my mind wandering to Tsunade's description of the bandits.

Eventually, we come to a stop by the border, near a tea house we'd passed by, and look around.

"Tsunade-sama said our reinforcements would meet us here," Says Asuma. "Where could they be?"

Kuromaru, Tsume's ninja hound with an eyepatch over his right eye, sniffs the air and turns his head to a tree. Three people lean against it before walking forward.

"We're here," Says Gaara in his usual monotonous tone, Kankuro and Temari flanking his sides

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"We're here," Says Gaara in his usual monotonous tone, Kankuro and Temari flanking his sides.

"Gaara, Kankuro, Temari! It's great to see you guys," I greet them, smiling a little.

"Hey, Yumi-chan!" Kankuro greets wth a wide grin, holding up a gloved hand in a wave.

"Tsunade-sama didn't give the full details about the mission. Mind explaining to us?" Says Temari.

Kakashi nods as he says, "We're about a day off from the destination, so we'll explain on the way."

"Right," Says Gaara. As we travel, Kakashi gives them the details. "I see. So it's the same bandits who've appeared before."

"They attacked before?" I ask.

Temari says, "We'd tried to capture them before but they got away."

"Who knew they'd show themselves again so soon?" Says Kankuro.

I avert my gaze and can feel Gaara gazing at me. I don't look at him nor say anything. We continue in silence, until the sun sets.

My two teams and I leap down to the ground, the full moon high above us. "We could stop here for the night," Says Kakashi. "We are close enough to the village where the bandits were sighted."

"Sounds good to me," Says Temari.

Kakashi says as he glanced to me pointedly, "Ayumi, if you will."

I nod my head and perform hand signs. "Diamond Style: Diamond House Jutsu," I say calmly. Walls of Diamonds grow out of the ground and form a large house with a roof. Kankuro and Temari gape at it.

Kankuro says, "That was awesome!"

Temari asks, "When did you learn how to do that?"

I say, flicking a strand of my dark hair, my other hand on my hip, "Just a little something I created awhile back. I figure it'd beat sleeping on the cold, hard ground. Well, go on in! Make yourselves at home!" Kankuro immediately rushes inside while the rest of us follow more calmly. If used this Jutsu the previous night too.

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