Chapter 18

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Gaara's P. O. V:

I gaze down at the black haired, blue eyed girl, who I recognise as the Kongoseki Princess.

I'd been going to meet up with my siblings when I heard singing. I could've sworn that Shukaku had settled down in my head only slightly, but then the singing ended and he'd gotten restless again.

When I got here, I'd seen the girl get in front of Kankuro and stopped his punch with ease. She was fast, and strong enough to stop someone like Kankuro.

I address Kankuro, "Have you forgotten the whole reason we all the way here?"

I would be lying if I said I wasn't at all curious by the assassin.

Ayumi's P. O. V:

I watch in puzzlement as Kankuro answers Gaara's question, sounding fearful, "I-I know! I-I mean, th-they challenged us! They started the whole thing, really. See, here's what happened—"

"Shut up. Or I'll kill you," Gaara threatens.

Kankuro swallows thickly with fear as he says, holding up his hands, "R-Right. I was totally out of line. I'm sorry, Gaara. I was totally out of line."

"I'm sorry for any trouble hey caused," Gaara apologises, turning his head to Sasuke. Then, Gaara turns into sand and disappears from the branch he's hanging on, before reappearing beside his blonde haired teammate and turning to them. "Let's go. We didn't come here to play games."

"Right. Sure. I get it," Stammers Kankuro.

They turn and start to leave, but then Sakura runs up to them, calling, "Hold on! Hey!"

The three Sand Genin stop but don't turn to Sakura as the blonde asks, "What?"

"I can tell from your headband that you come from the Village Hidden in the Sand." None of the Sand Nin say anything. "Of course, the Land of Fire and the Land of Wind are allies, but no Shinobi can enter another's village without permission!" Sakura takes a step forward as she adds, "So, state your purpose, and it better be good!"

The Sand team turn as I step forward, the blonde girl saying, "Really? Have you guys been living under a rock, or what? You don't know what's going on, do you? We have permission!" She holds up a passport that states her name is Temari. "Of course, you and your friend are correct: we are Hidden Sand Genin. Our home is the Landof the Wind, and we're here for the Chunin Exams." Temari puts her passport away as she adds, "Get the picture?"

""The Chunin Exams?"" Naruto echoes. "What's that? Well, I've never heard of any Chunin Exams, believe it!"

"Oh, I believe it, alright. That you're totally clueless," Temari scoffs, arms now crossed.

Konohamaru tells Naruto, "Hey, Boss, those are the exams that every Genin's got to take in order to graduate to being a full on Chunin!"

This sparks some excitement in me but I keep my face cool as Naruto gushes, "Oh, well, why didn't you say so?! I am so there!"

Gaara scoffs as he and his teammates turn to leave once more.

Sasuke leaps down beside me as he calls, "Hey, you! Identify yourself!"

Temari pauses as she looks at Sasuke with a blush and asks, "Hm? You mean, me?"

I roll my eyes as Sasuke says, pointing to Gaara, "No, him. The guy with the gourd on his back."

I tell Sasuke, deadpanning, "Kankuro did just mention his name was Gaara, if you'd been paying attention."

"My name is Gaara of the Desert," The redhead states as he and a surprised Kankuro turn to us. "I'm curious about you, too. Who are you? Though, I already know who the girl is."

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