Chapter 47

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

I loom above the blue skinned man, swords at the ready. I bring them down just as he brings up his own sword. There's a clang as both weapons clash. Kisame sneers at me while I growl back.

I then leap back and spin, lifting up my left leg. As I swing it for Kisame's face, the small blade pops out.

"The hell?!" He exclaims before leaping back.

Itachi comments, "As fast as ever, I see. Not mention, smart. You mustn't let her deceive you, Kisame. Ayumi is no ordinary Genin."

"Yeah, I know!" Kisame yells back.

"Water Style: Water Beast Jutsu!" I do hand signs and a tiger made of water runs for Kisame. He just grins and slashes his sword clean through it. "Water Style: Water Burst Jutsu!"

Water hovers around the Akatsuki member and he gazes at it in puzzlement before it explodes, knocking Kisame back a few paces.

Kisame runs at me and my eyes widen when he brings Samehada down on me. I bend back to avoid it only to swing up my right hidden blade. Kisame swears again and dodges.

"That's getting annoying," He tells me as I flip around on my hands. "You're like a fucking walking armory!"

"I'll take that second part as a compliment!" I chime before I run at him and swing each of my swords forwards. Kisame dodges the first swing but blocks the second. I pull back and flip my swords backwards before slashing at the Akatsuki member again.

Kisame and I exchange blow after blow, though I'm struggling a little to keep up with him, since he's far stronger than I am. Itachi remains where he is, not bothering to get involved in the fight.

I jump back before creating my Diamond Excalibur. Kisame's eyes widen as I dash for him, sword pulled back. I give a cry of exertion as I bring my sword up to slash Kisame across the front.

He narrowly avoids getting chopped in half by jumping back a bit. Kisame smirks at me. "Heh. Nice blade, Princess."

I grit my teeth in anger before running at him again. Kisame aims a swing for my head but I swiftly release the chakra in my feet before dropping below the surface.

Sword gripped in hand, I whirl around in the water, my hair a dark curtain around me, as I watch Kisame looking at me from above. I do hand signs and create a Water Spout that wraps up to my stomach and lifts me out of the river, sword raised. I go to bring it down on Kisame with a cry, but he jumps back to avoid it.

I disperse the Jutsu as I do hand signs, "Water Style: Liquid Fang Bullet!" Fangs of water shoot from the river before Kisame. He easily avoids them as my Water Spout sets me back down. "Water Style: Raging Waves Jutsu!" I send out a burst of water at the blue skinned man as he starts running for me.

Kisame stops short but fails to avoid being hit by my Jutsu. He cries out as he's sent sailing back before stopping. I leap back to the Jounin, eyeing the Akatsuki members wearily.

"Is that the best you could do? I'm rather disappointed, Sharkface," I say as he gets back to his feet.

Kisame glares daggers at me as he growls, "I'll hack you to pieces!!"

"Right back at you, Sharkface!" I snap. I ready my stance as I ignore the other Jounin watching me in shock.

Just when Kisame is about to run at me, Itachi cuts in. "No, Kisame. We're pulling out." This causes his companion to look at him. "We're not here to fight a full scale battle, tempting as it may be, it's not the way to do this. Let's go."

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