Chapter 68

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

I concentrate on healing the fish with my Soothing Water Jutsu, my brows knitted together. It's been a few more days since we'd gotten back from the Land of Snow, and my team and I had gotten back from a B Ranked mission that had turned out to be an A Ranked mission to the Land of Tea, while Kakashi went on his own mission.

I wear a pink kimono with leaves printed on it that has a purple trim, a matching obi around my waist, and my hair in twin ponytails held back by pink ribbons since I was only training with Tsunade today. Within a few heartbeats, I'd managed to successfully heal the fish and it wriggles on the table in front of me. I gasp happily as I turn to a smiling Tsunade, sitting in a recliner off to the side.

 I gasp happily as I turn to a smiling Tsunade, sitting in a recliner off to the side

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"I did it!"

Tsunade praises me, "Excellent work, Ayumi. You're progressing much faster than any student I'd ever trained. I think we'll call it a day. Start up again after your missions tomorrow."

I nod my head eagerly as I reply, "Aye, aye, Captain!"

With a salute, I spin on my heal and skip out of the tower, to visit Sasuke in the hospital. I was actually kind of drained since I'd been training since dawn this morning. Tsunade sure is real space driver when it comes to training me in medical ninjutsu.

I drop by home to pick up some chocolate chip cookies I know Sasuke will like.

I sign into the hospital and was told my Guardian was back from his mission. He'd been in awhile ago having gotten his wounds seen to.

I head for Sasuke's room and was about to open the door, but it opens and Sakura pokes her head out, blinking her eyes in surprise at me.

"Oh! Ayumi! Did you come to see Sasuke?"

I nod as I say, "Yup. Where are you off to?"

"To get something for Sasuke to eat. I'll be right back!" She says before leaving.

I enter to see Sasuke sitting up in bed and staring at the white sheets. I go over and set the basket on the table before sitting in the chair beside him. "Hi, Sasuke-kun!" I greet. He does respond nor look up. "Sasuke? Oi, don't ignore me, Duck Butt!!" I flick the side of his head, causing Sasuke to hiss and glare daggers at me.

"Ow! What was that for, Ayumi?!"

"For ignoring me. Why are you all gloom and doom?"

He grumbles, "You know why."

Understanding crosses my features as I say, "Let me guess, it's about Naruto having defeated the enemy you and I couldn't back in the Land of Tea?" A slight nod from the Uchiha. "I wouldn't let that get to you."


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