Chapter 66

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

We heal everyone back at the temple and I refill my Divine Water seal before I announce there'll be an open air concert to celebrate our victory in an hour, down in the village.

We'd agreed to let the civilians live here since they have nowhere else to go. They're invited too. The remaining members of Shinji's clan had been taken to the Diamond Prison, an impenetrable prison situated on the island.

I was to set up a band with Hikaru as the drummer, Yuki, the pianist, Akira the backing guitarist, and Haru as the second backing guitarist. We'd call ourselves The Diamond Stars.

Mio has been overjoyed to have me and her Sensei back, so she'd hugged me until Kiba was able to drag me away.

After I'd gone to check on Sakura and Setsuna with Kiba, dad pulls me aside with Kakashi.

"What is it, dad? I have to get ready for the concert."

"I know, but I need to tell you something that Kakashi and I discussed earlier. I've decided that it would be safest for you to return to the Hidden Leaf Village."

I state at dad in surprise until I say, "What?!"

Dad smiles as he nods. The first smile I've seen on him since my arrival. He says, "Even Kakashi agrees. With Raiden and his men still out there, looking for you, you'd be safer with Kakashi in the Hidden Leaf Village. Once the Murakami clan have been defeated, only then could you return home. I do want you back for training, though, so I'll write a letter to Hokage-sama. Oh, and I wish to make an alliance with the Hidden Leaf and Hidden Sand."

Kakashi says, "But your clan has never allied with anyone before, Chief Kazuki."

"I know, but I think it's time for a change, don't you?" Dad winks at Kakashi who agrees wholeheartedly.

A wide grin stretches across my lips before I hug dad. He chuckles as he catches me. "Thank you, daddy! I wanted to go back anyway because I had to repay my friends for everything they've done for me—especially Kiba-kun and Kakashi-kun!" I pull back and give the silverette my grin, which he returns with his signature closed eye smile.

"Right. I need to talk to that Inuzuka boy before you leave," Dad says. He turns and goes to Kiba who is with Akamaru.

"Poor Kiba-kun," I murmur sympathetically.

"He'll be fine, I'm sure," Kakashi says dismissively.

"Since I'm going back with you guys, I want to bring Sakura and Setsuna back with me," I tell Kakashi as I turn back to him.

He gives a small sweat drop as he says uncertainly, "Sakura, I can understand, but Setsuna... I don't know where we can keep a horse at my apartment, Ayumi."

"Oh, we'll find space, I'm sure. But there's no way I'm leaving them here again, Kakashi-kun," I say as I wave my hand dismissively. This causes Kakashi to let out a breathy chuckle. I drift my gaze over to Kiba to see his face is pale as he nods his head vigorously to whatever my dad was telling him, though my dad looks deadly serious.

When dad looks satisfied, he walks away. Kiba comes over with Akamaru on his head.

"What was that about?" I ask.

"Your dad just basically threatened to murder me if I let anything happen to you. Your dad is definitely way scarier than Kakashi Sensei," Kiba says nervously with an audible gulp.

"Awe, poor Kiba-kun!" I say as I hug him. I pull back as I grin at him. "Come on! The concert will start soon!"

Colourful lights hit my body as I stand on the stage with my band mates, a large crowd gathered under a star spangled sky. My Leaf Village friends are in awe of the countless stars, as Kiba was that night.

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