Chapter 73

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

Kiba says as we leap, "Well, boys, Princess, it looks like it's just the four of us now."

Naruto says to him, "I don't think you've gotta worry about that. Choji and Neji will catch up in no time. Choji's got his trump card with him and don't forget, I fought Neji in the Chunin Exams. So I know."

We glance at him as Kiba questions, "You know what...?"

"That guy... is a true genius!"

As Akamaru sniffs the air, Kiba announces, "We're close." By now, the sun is setting, painting the sky orange.

I say, "There's only two of them left, against the five of us. I like those odds. I'd we play it right the next time we meet them, we'd be able to wrap things up once and for all."

Naruto says, "I'll say! Two against four? No sweat!"

Kiba demands, "What do you mean, it's two against four?! Even Yumi-chan remembered Akamaru!"

"Arf, arf!" The Ninken barks gratefully as Kiba smiles in my direction.

"Heh. I like those odds better!" I say.

Kiba says, "Wait'll they see our new technique! Those clowns won't know what hit them, right, boy?!"

Naruto says, "Don't worry about a thing! As soon as we catch up to them, all I've gotta do is my Shadow Clone Jutsu, and the show's over!"

Shikamaru grumbles as I giggle, "Well, that's comforting to know."

I state, "Let's not be so hasty, fellas! After all, our enemy is unknown, so it's best to not rush in. We're working as a team, right? You've just gotta stick to the plan." They've made up their plan a few moments ago, and I still had to stay in the shadows.

Naruto says, "Oh, uh... sure..."

I add, "The most important thing is t at least get them in range before the sun goes down."

Kiba asks, "Well, what are we waiting for?! Let's hit it!" He then gives a burst of speed as I let out another giggle. The rest of us follow closely behind.

We travel another twenty minutes and now night has fallen over the forest.

Kiba says, "Hurry! They're just ahead."

Shikamaru tells him, "No, we're close enough. We'll stay right on their tail, but we're gonna maintain this distance."

Naruto asks in confusion, "What the heck are you talking about?"

I explain, "We'll keep them in our sight, but we won't attack until sunrise." Shikamaru nods his head in agreement.

"That's crazy!! We can't afford to wait till then! What about Sasuke?!" Naruto asks worriedly.

"Yeah! He's right! And, besides, if we're gonna hit them with a surprise attack, it'll be an even bigger surprise if we hit them in the dark!"

I explain, "The darkness might give us an edge at the first moment of contact, but after that, it would only put us at a disadvantage, right? Don't forget what we're really after. We wanna keep them occupied just long enough to get Sasuke out of there. That'll take precision and split second timing."

I imagine Naruto and Shikamaru keeping the Sound nin busy while Kiba and I sneak up behind them and steal the coffin, before an x pops into my head.

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