Chapter 63

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

The next night, after sunset, I finish preparing for the mission and go up to my boyfriend, who was doing the same, just finishing strapping on his sandals.

"Hey," I greet, causing him to look up, smiling.

"Hey, Yumi-chan," He says. We hear a commotion as he straightens and look to see a sweat dropping Izumi trying to calm an anxious Mio, who is clinging to her Sensei's leg and begging her not to go.

Kakashi was also trying his best to help but the eight year old refused to let go of her Sensei.

"Looks like they're having trouble," Says Kiba sheepishly. I nod my head in agreement.

"I just wanted to tell you good luck and to stay safe," I say as we turn to face each other. "Don't die on me." I ignore the feeling of my father watching from a distance.

"I won't. I could say the same to you, Princess," Kiba says teasingly. For some reason, I blush when he called me that, but I don't lash out like I normally would.

"Here's a good luck charm to help you come back." I tell Kiba before I lean in and kiss his lips deeply. I feel him relax into the kiss, both of us uncaring of who's watching right now. I wrap my arms around Kiba's neck as he grips my waist and we kiss, warmth flooding my body. We soon have to break for air and I can feel my face is flushed. "Come back to me," I say in a fierce whisper.

"Always, Princess," He says.

Again, I still don't lash out at him. I add, gazing down at the Ninken, "You'd better come back safely, too, Akamaru. That's an order."

"Arf! Arf!" He barks before a grinning Hikaru comes and drags him away.

"Let's go, Lover Boy! Good luck sis!" Hikaru says, much to Kiba's chagrin as he flails about in my brother's grip.

I can't help but giggle a little before I look back at Izumi Sensei. She's finally managed to get Mio to let go of her but the girl is sobbing and sniffling.

Kakashi is kneeling before Mio and sting comforting words to her which makes the young girl nod her head in agreement.

Izumi hugs Mio before dad takes her away to give my Sensei space before the mission.

Izumi turns to Kakashi and I could barely make out her saying thank you to him.

".... It's alright, Izumi. We couldn't let her come because she's too young. I'm glad we got that sorted," Kakashi says. He gazed at the dark haired woman with a wide smile, though I could swear there's a hint of a pink blush on his cheeks. I giggle slightly.

Izumi was never really one to be swayed by men as easily. Sure a few of the male Jounin or other men around her age before the massacre have been infatuated with Izumi, but she's never really taken notice. She seems rather interested in Kakashi, though.

"What is it, Ayumi?" Sakura asksas she comes over with our other teammates.

"I think Kakashi might be in love with Izumi," I say, snickering. Their eyes bug in their sockets.

"What?!" Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura exclaim but I shush them.

"Keep it down, will you?! Even if he is, Izumi isn't easily won over by men," I say. "Poor Kakashi Sensei. I think those two are cute together."

Sakura and I giggle.

Sasuke says, "I notice you didn't lash out when Kiba called you "Princess" before."

As he quirks an eyebrow at my blushing face, Naruto says in realisation, "Yeah, Yumi-chan! And you hate being called anything like that." He squints his blue eyes at me suspiciously.

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