Chapter 85

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

I lie in bed wearing a casual blue strapless shirt and matching skirt, cuddled up into Kiba's side, while we rewatch the latest Princess Gale movie.

"I've seen this ten times already but I could spend my whole life rewatching Princess Gale," I say, putting some chips into my mouth.

"Same. She's awesome. But not nearly as awesome as you, Ayu-chan," Kiba says while grinning at me.

I smile back until he leans down and kisses my lips. I kiss him back just as passionately, feeling heat race down my veins.

Kiba rests his hands on my waist as we keep kissing, until there's a knock on my door. Kakashi says as he pokes his head in, "Ayumi, you—oh, sorry!" Kiba and I jerk apart to see my Guardian in the doorway, looking a bit flustered at the sight before him.

"Not again," Kiba grumbles.

"What do you want, Kakashi-kun?" I inquire, slight annoyance in my tone.

Kakashi says, "I just came to tell you you've been summoned to Tsunade-sama's office for another mission."

I groan, "Again? Alright. I'll be there in a few."

Kakashi gives Kiba a warning look. "Better watch yourself in my house, Kiba," He says sternly, causing Kiba to sweat drop.

"Yes, Kakashi Sensei," Kiba mutters before the silverette leaves. "I swear, he does that on purpose."

Kiba looks back at me as I say, "I don't think so. But, we'd better hurry so I don't keep Tsunade-sama waiting."

Kiba and I get up but he pulls me against his chest and wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me in for another kiss.

I almost melt before we reluctantly pull away, both our faces flushed.

"I'll see you when I get back," I murmur while stroking Kiba's cheek. He nods. I pat Akamaru and turn off the TV before I slip on my sandals and exit the house. I head for the Hokage Tower and Tsunade's office. I knock on the door.

"Enter!" Tsunade calls and I step inside. I blink my eyes when I see Shino, Hinata and Kiba standing before the desk.

"Looks like we have another mission, Yumi-chan!" Kiba says brightly as Akamaru barks happily.

"Hello, Ayumi," Hinata greets me. I return it with a smile at the three of them.

I ask Tsunade as I stand beside the Hyuga girl, "So, what's our mission?"

"You'll be escorting a young teenage boy back home. His family is extremely wealthy and they live in Sakura Village. They're known for being very popular authors. Your client is Hiro Sato. He's actually heard of you Ayumi, and absolutely insists that you escort him."

I tilt my head curiously as I utter, "Really? He's heard of me?"

The caramel eyed woman nods her head. "I'll bring him to the gate myself. You're to leave in thirty minutes."

We each say our agreement and leave to get ready. I get changed in my work attire and my diamond earrings. Once I was sure I'd packed everything, I meet Kakashi on the way out.

"Leaving?" He says knowingly.

I nod as I say, "Yup. It's an escort mission, so I'll be back later."

"Well, good luck, Ayumi," Kakashi says before I leave and head for the gate.

I was the last to arrive but Tsunade and our client weren't here yet. "Tsunade's not here yet?" I say as I stand with Kiba and Hinata.

Hinata shakes her head. "Not yet. I'm sure she will be soon."

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