Chapter 35

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The rest of Lee's fight will be in the next chapter, as it's so long!

Ayumi's P. O. V:

Lee runs straight for Gaara and leaps up before spinning around and throwing his right leg out in a swift kick.

"Leaf Hurricane!" However, Lee's leg is met with a wall of sand before he pulls back. More sand rises up above him, causing Lee to jerk his head up. He was able to backflip, tucking his legs against him, in rapid succession out of the way, before hopping back a few paces. Lee lets out a breath as the sand seeps back into Gaara's gourde.

Ino asks wearily, "What is that...?"

I say, "It's sand..." I trail off, ignoring Temari as she gazes at me questioningly, the memory of Gaara attacking those Rain ninja flashing through my mind.

Smirking, Lee runs at Gaara just like before. When the sand goes to attack him, Lee leaps up and spins out a kick to deflect it before landing. He goes to kick Gaara again but the sand blocks him. It also blocks a punch. Lee punches again and again but he just couldn't seem to break through the sand. Lee sees more sand coming at him from the side.

Quickly, Lee whips out a kunai and slices away at the sand as it continues to try and attack him, flitting around the ravenette

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Quickly, Lee whips out a kunai and slices away at the sand as it continues to try and attack him, flitting around the ravenette. With another swipe of his kunai, Lee throws out a kick go the side of Gaara's head, only to be met with another wall of sand.

The redhead didn't so much as bat an eye. With a grunt, Lee rolls out of the way just in time to avoid another sand attack. He flips away to avoid another wave of sand, while Gaara doesn't even lift a finger.

Lee leaps up into the air and throws two shuriken at Gaara from behind. Another wall of sand blocks them.

"Whoa...!" Breathes Naruto.

I say, my voice full of awe, "Even as fast as he is, Lee can't get anywhere close to him!"

Naruto says in realisation, "The sand...! He's using it as a shield!"

Kankuro tells him, "He's not doing it; the sand is protecting him of its own accord."

"Huh?" Naruto glances at him questioningly.

"It's almost like a living thing. It'll come to Gaara's defence without his doing anything. That's why Gaara's never been injured. No one can get at him. No one's ever been able to touch him."

As Lee gazes at Gaara, Gaara asks, "Well? Is that all? I hope you haven't finished entertaining me. We haven't had enough... blood!" At that, the sand races towards Lee at lightning speed.

Lee jumps up to avoid it, but this time, the sand latches around his right ankle. Lee cries out as the sand throws him around, until it releases him against a wall. Lee collapses and grunts in pain. He looks up just in time to see another sand attack coming for him. He was able to dodge to the side to avoid it.

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