Chapter 30

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

As Sasuke and Yoroi face off against each other, Hayate asks, "Are there any objections?"

"None here," Says Sasuke.

"No," Yoroi immediately says.

"Uh, alright, then," Says Hayate. "Let's begin the first match." He lets out a cough. I lean with my back against Kakashi and my arms crossed, Shiori curled up by the rail where Naruto is crouching while Sakura stands beside Kakashi, as Sasuke puts his right hand over the Curse Mark. He drops it as he smirks. Hayate holds up his hands. "Then, if you're ready, let the match begin!"

Yoroi cries, doing a hand sign, "Oh, I'm ready!"

"So am I," Says Sasuke. Blue chakra manifests around Yoroi's right hand as he reaches back for his weapons pouch with the other, the two males staring each other down.

Sasuke pulls out his kunai just as Yoroi throws shuriken at him. Sasuke deflects the shuriken but he staggers back with a pained grunt. He collapses on his stomach just as Yoroi blurs around to him, startling Sasuke.

Yoroi goes to punch him but Sasuke rolls out of the way, stabbing his kunai into the floor to halt himself

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Yoroi goes to punch him but Sasuke rolls out of the way, stabbing his kunai into the floor to halt himself. Then he suddenly swings his body around, surprising the older Genin, as Sasuke wraps his feet around Yoroi and grabs his wrist, throwing him on his back.

 Then he suddenly swings his body around, surprising the older Genin, as Sasuke wraps his feet around Yoroi and grabs his wrist, throwing him on his back

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Naruto exclaims happily, "Hey! He got him!"

"Really?" Asks Yoroi before twisting his hand and gripping the front of Sasuke's blue shirt. The same blue chakra from before appears around his hand. After a heartbeat, Yoroi releases Sasuke only to hit the back of his hand against his chest, making the Uchiha grunt in pain.

As Sasuke trembles and clutches his chest, Yoroi gets up and leaps backward.

When he lunges for Sasuke, Sakura cries, "Sasuke! No!"

Sasuke sits bolt upright only for Yoroi to loom over him. Yoroi slams his glowing hand against Sasuke's forehead, causing him to cry out as Yoroi pushes him to the floor once more.

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