Chapter 88

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

I wait with the Five Elementals as we hide outside a certain town in the Land of Fire.

"There it is. Our target," Hotaru says.

"It's the Asano family," Daiki states.

Homura says, "They're filthy rich, from what I've heard."

"Let's do this!" Mika says excitedly.

"Hold on. Ayumi's been assigned this mission," Hotaru cuts in with a pointed glance at me. I just continue to gaze ahead with a blank look. "She'll go."

Amaya questions wearily, "But what if the brat tries to escape again?"

Daiki says assuringly, "It's been about a year, now. I don't think she'll try that little stunt again."

"Even so, I'll go with her, just in case," Hotaru inputs as her green eyes flash dangerously.

I still don't say anything.

Hotaru and I head into town and come across a three storey mansion. Hotaru kicks the door down and I hear two kids screaming.

We enter and see the kids in the living room. One of the taller ones is a girl, the other a boy. Hotaru demands, "You there. Are your parents home?"

They tremble as they hug each other. They're so frightened they're unable to speak.

Hotaru friend with annoyance. "Very well, then. Ayumi," She addresses me.

I tense. My gaze darkens before a sword of diamond appears in my right hand. The kid's faces pale even further. I shut out any emotion as I raise my sword and stalk towards the kids.

I stand over them, though I'm shorter for my age of six, and raise my sword above their heads. I ignore the feeling of Hotaru burning a hole in the back of my head as I try to suppress the shaking of my hand.

"No, please...!" The older girl begs right before I bring my sword down in a vicious arc.

Blood sprays as my sword slices clean through both children's heads, severing them. Their heads roll across the floor before stopping. Their bodies soon drop afterwards.

I lower my blood stained sword as a satisfied Hotaru says, a grin in her voice, "Excellent work, Ayumi. But we're not finished yet. We still have a couple more heads to lop off. Let's wait. While we do that, I think this place could use a bit of decorating, don't you think?"

I suppress a shudder at what she implies.

Hotaru orders me to create two diamond spikes to pin the children's heads on. Hotaru sits on the recliner with her legs crossed over each other and chin resting on the back of her hand while her elbow is on her knee. I stand just behind the blonde woman to wait for the parents to come home.

It wasn't until the sun goes down that the mother and father returned. They stare with pale faces at the sight of their children.

"Wh-What is this?!" The father exclaims.

"No, my babies!" The mother screams, hands to her mouth.

"Why, hello," Hotaru greets calmly.

"What are you doing here?!" The man demands.

"Oh, we're just here for a little training," Hotaru states.

"T-Training?" Ken stutters as the woman begins crying.

"That's right. Training," Hotaru says with her eyes briefly closed as she leans forwards with her hands threaded together. "Ayumi."

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