Chapter 6

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Kasumi's P. O. V:

"Sasuke. I'm at Point B," The Uchiha states, the morning sun shining brightly overhead.

"... Sakura. I'm at Point C," Says Sakura.

"....... Naruto! I'm at Point A, believe it!" The knucklehead says enthusiastically.

Kakashi tells him with a sigh, "Too slow, Naruto." There's a long moment of silence as my teammates and Sensei wait for me to state my own position. When I don't respond right away, Kakashi prompts, "Kasumi, state your position."

"....... Oh. Kasumi, and I have obtained the target," I say in response after a long pause.

"—Wait, what?!" Kakashi exclaims.

"Huh?!" Naruto and Sakura say in unison.

"What do you mean?" Sasuke questions.

"I mean, I'm sitting five metres from you guys with the target in my lap. Oh, and he's purring," I clarify. A few days have passed and we've been doing nothing but D rank missions, which are like this one: missions with the least danger in them. Our mission was to capture the runaway brown cat, Tora, owned by the Feudal Lord of the Land of Fire's large wife. I don't think this is the first time he's runaway, either.

The day following the bell test, only Sakura and Sasuke were smart enough to ask me what both Kakashi and I meant when we'd mentioned my reputation from before coming to the Leaf Village, and I'd simply stated that I just roamed the continent while doing missions from all over, which was partly true.

Sasuke had even asked me about my alias, The Diamond Princess, and if I really didn't know who gave it to me. I'd replied that that was all true.

On our first day as a team, Naruto had asked why I didn't call Kakashi "Sensei." I'd replied I didn't because the two less syllables could help me save my life a lot faster simply by calling Kakashi by his first name. Plus, he's my guardian, so that's another reason I don't address him as Sensei.

Kakashi seems happy that I do show him respect despite not calling him "Sensei." Truth be told, though, ever since we first met when I was a child, I'd always looked up to the Copy Ninja of the Hidden Leaf. I wasn't about to tell Kakashi that—at least, not until he remembers me.

The night of the bell test, Kakashi had told me that I wasn't as cold hearted as an assassin as the rumours had made me out to be, otherwise, I wouldn't have fed Naruto and had just ignored him.

Then I'd responded that Kakashi shouldn't believe every rumour he hears about me.

I've also noticed that I'm no longer being tailed by ANBU Black Ops anymore. My guess is, the Hokage seems to trust me enough since I haven't shown any ill intent towards these ninja or their village.

I sit cross legged on the ground with said cat in my arms, who has a red ribbon in his right ear, exactly as he was described, snuggling him with a cute expression on my face, while cooing to him.

"Move out!" Kakashi orders Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke.

A few seconds later, and Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke leap from their positions in my direction, and I can't help but feel exasperated by it, since this is just a D rank mission. They stand before me and Sakura and Naruto gape so widely their jaws hit the ground, as they haven't seen me like this, while Sasuke just widens his onyx eyes at me.

Tora purrs contentedly as he continues to run his cheek against me, paws padding into my kimono sleeve much like when a cat is preparing a soft spot for sleeping. It hurts only slightly as his claws occasionally dig through my sleeve into my skin, but I didn't mind it that much.

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