Chapter 86

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

I spend the rest of the first day of travelling walking beside Hiro and chatting with him. Not once has he left my side, but I stayed polite to him. I'd kept my Seismic Sense Jutsu activated in case of an ambush, as well, but so far, today seems pretty quiet.

We occasionally stop for a break. When I would go to sit beside my boyfriend to eat with him and have either Hinata or Shino to stay with Hiro, Hiro would always find some excuse to make me stay beside him.

I didn't fail to notice all the death stares the Inuzuka throws at Hiro, but he blatantly ignores him.

By the time the sun sets, we reach a clearing.

I say with a hand on my hip as I gaze about, "This looks like a good spot."

Blinking his blue eyes and cocking his head, Hiro questions curiously, "A good spot for what...?"

I smile towards him, causing a scarlet blush to spread across his cheeks, as I say mysteriously, "Just sit back and watch." I then do swift hand signs as I look back to the front. "Diamond Style: Diamond House Jutsu!"

Walls of diamond grow rapidly out of the earth and form a fancy house. Hiro gazes at it with wide, sparkling blue orbs as he breathes, "Whoa...! So that's your Diamond Release! It's beautiful!"

I blush lightly at his compliment as I utter, "Thanks..." I drift my gaze towards Kiba to see him deathly glaring at the Sato.

"Sure beats sleeping on the ground! Makes me wonder why I even brought my tent," Hiro says happily.

Hinata nods her head as she stutters, "I-It certainly does. It's rather c-comfortable i-i-inside, e-even th-though it's m-made of d-diamond."

Hiro glances at her as he remarks, a wry expression on his features, "You sure do stutter a lot, don't you?"

Hinata starts at this as she apologises hurriedly, blushing in embarrassment, "I-I'm sorry! I'm n-never like this a-around Ayu-chan, though."

"Really? Why?" Hiro asks.

Shino says, "Because Hinata feels safe and confident around Yumi-chan. Ayu just has this aura around her that makes you feel safe."

I blush as I scratch my cheek sheepishly and say, "Oh, I don't know about that, Shino-kun!"

He adds thoughtfully, "It could be due to her being an assassin and Princess, as well as a Leaf shinobi."

"I'd heard you were an assassin, but I don't believe any of those rumours about you," Says Hiro as he grasps both my hands in his, his eyes shining.

I say with a sheepish smile, "Err, thank you, Hiro." I hear Kiba growling as he grinds his teeth together. "Why don't we go inside and I'll get dinner started?"

"A Princess should never have to do the cooking," Hiro states.

"I don't mind. I actually really love cooking."

Hinata offers, "A-And I c-can help."

I throw her an appreciative smile as I say, prying my hands from Hiro, "Thank you, Hinata-chan. Much appreciated." We all go inside and Hinata helps me to cook my famous vegetable stew. It was steaming as everyone takes their bowl and we sit around each other in the sleeping quarters.

"This place is basically a palace!" Comments Hiro, after having explored and gazing around the room.

"Thank you," I say, sitting between Shino and Hinata. They both gently blow on their food, but I create a mini tornado with my Wind Style to cool my stew down a little.

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