Naruto, The Movie: Guardians of the Crescent Moon Kingdom, Part 2

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

Naruto, Sakura, Lee, Kakashi and I watch as Michiru writes down the check for the circus.

"Is that for real?!" A performer exclaims, frozen in shock.

"Hey! Snap out of it, buddy! It'll be alright!" His friend says as the showman trembles before the Prince.

"You can cash that as soon as we get to the island, okay?" Michiru says to him, and the poor blonde man shakily nods his head.

I stand between Naruto, Sakura and Lee as we watch the performers pack up the tent, and put the animals away. I say in awe, "Amazing. This guy bought the whole circus?"

"Yeah, that's rich," Naruto says as a woman leads a zebra past us. Behind them Chamu lounges on a crate under a tree and Kiki munches on an apple next to him.

"That's royalty for ya," I say with a hand on my hip. Chamu opens his mouth as he roars and Kiki goes to feed him his apple, but pauses as Michiru, Hikaru and the showman walk past wth another performer.

"Well, to be honest, I've always wanted to play in the Land of the moon at the likes from all I've heard," The showman was saying. "Err, don't worry, Your Highness! We'll give you a great show! You don't regret it!"

I hear the sound of growling and Hikaru screaming I fear. I gasp and whirl around, ignoring my curious teammates.

"Hikaru!" Exclaims Michiru in worry.

"Sonny!" The showman cries.

I turn a corner just in time to see Hikaru on the grass, trembling before the sabertooth tiger as he is about to pounce on the boy.

Naruto leaps forward and wraps his arms around Hikaru. They both roll out of the way in time before Chamu's claws could scrape them, and Naruto's back hits a crate, causing him to let out a grunt.

Naruto lets out a breath of immense relief, murmuring, "That was close!"

The showman tries to explain, "Sonny, be careful! He's a wild animal! He doesn't like humans—not even me! I—"

"Listen here!" Michiru cuts in, jerking the blonde man around to him as he grabs his shoulders and shakes him. "You've got to do something about him! He's dangerous!"

"Of course! We'll lock him up in his cage and keep him under guard at all times! It won't happen again!"

Hikaru slowly turns his head to look back at Chamu. The sabertooth tiger calmly takes the apple in his mouth and chews.

Naruto says to Hikaru, "That was a little scary, huh?"

He gazes up at him with light blush on his cheeks as he utters, "I..." Hikaru suddenly jumps out of Naruto's lap and takes off running, past me, Sakura and Lee, head down.

"Wait—!" I try to call after him but the boy has already disappeared around a corner.

Naruto blinks his eyes after Hikaru before he exclaims after him, holding up a clenched fist, "DON'T THANK ME!! I JUST SAVED YOUR LIFE, IS ALL!!"


We continue travelling once the tent was packed up, and reach a dock awhile later.

An old man says to Michiru, "My Prince, I'm afraid a storm at sea has prevented the royal yacht from meeting us here as expected. I've had to make provisional arrangements for another ship to take us home. Not to worry. It won't be long."

Michiru tells him assuringly, "Very well. In the meantime, I've got an important call to make here, anyway."

Michiru had bought a huge bunch of flowers as we make our way to our next destination. The carriage stops outside a lovely house with a vegetable garden in front. In that garden, kneels a woman with long brown hair wearing a sleeveless green dress.

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