Chapter 14

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

Something whizzes through the mist towards Kakashi but he manages to deflect the shuriken with his kunai.

Zabuza comments, "Very skilful. As I'd expect from Kakashi, the Sharingan Warrior." Zabuza appears behind him, causing Kakashi to whirl around with a gasp. "But next time you see me, will be the last time you see anything. Without your Sharingan, you're nothing!"

"What?!" Kakashi gasps.

"You wanted me to believe you could see through anything, even through time. But your prediction was wrong. I'm still alive! So you're a fraud, Kakashi! You can't read the future, and you can't read me! The Sharingan is just a cheap trick that makes you seem more powerful than you are. I know now, your Sharingan has two separate elements: the Piercing Eye, which sees every detail, and the Hypnotic Eye, which mesmerises your opponent. Employing these abilities, you can execute multiple Jutsu in quick succession, to make it seem like you can see the future. First, with the Piercing Eye, you copied my movements instantly. This replication of movement makes me doubt my own thoughts. Once I was shaken, you infiltrated my mind, waiting for the slightest flutter to anticipate my actions, seeking out any hints to my next move. You time it precisely, waiting for the right moment. The instant my mind becomes unfocused, you create an illusion. With your Hypnotic Eye, you induce me to make hand signs while you're making the same signs, so you seem to be copying me, when actually, you're controlling my movements! Now that I know this, a very simple plan can defeat you.

"First, neutralise your Piercing Eye with Zero Visibility Mist." Zabuza knocks Kakashi back but he stops himself by stabbing his kunai into the ground. Zabuza chuckles. "Next, neutralise your Hypnotic Eye by keeping my own eyes closed. You can't bore into my mind if you can't look into my eyes."

Kakashi says, "Brilliant. Except, with your eyes closed, you can't see me, either!"

"Have you forgotten who I am, Kakashi? I'm the Demon of the Hidden Mist! Master of the Silent Kill. I can take you out by sound alone!" Zabuza says cockily.

Back inside the mirror igloo, Naruto complains, "I was so close but I couldn't quite get to him!"

I ask the blue eyed boy, glancing at him, "Naruto, can you do it again?"

Clenching both fists, Naruto says, "Huh? Of course! Nothing could stop me, believe it!"

I gaze at him worriedly. I can tell Naruto is exhausted due to the amount of chakra the Shadow Clone Jutsu uses. Naruto is just too stubborn to show it, but it's thanks to him Sasuke and I can see Haku now.

Sasuke and I smirk at the Yuki clan member.

The mirrors start glowing, meaning Haku is preparing to attack again.

Sasuke calls, doing hand signs, "Naruto, run for it!"

"Huh?!" Naruto asks, looking at us.

"Get out of here, and attack from the outside," I order him. "Hurry!"

"Err, alright! You got it!" Naruto says, grinning, before he turns on his heels and starts racing for the gap between mirrors.

"You cannot escape!" Haku tells him. When Naruto got closer, Haku throws him onto his back. Naruto just gets back up onto his feet and tries running for the gap again.

"If you think you can keep me here, forget it!!" Naruto yells.

Haku flies out of a mirror to my right. Sasuke and I say in unison, facing him, "That's it!"

"Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!" Sasuke blows out a stream of fire while I launch another arrow.

"Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!" Sasuke blows out a stream of fire while I launch another arrow

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