I woke up at around 8 am. I checked my phone and texted Andy good morning how are u. He didn't answer so I guess he was still sleeping and so was Lilly I didn't mind though. I got up and used the restroom then decided to go downstairs to make me some food because I was starving. I started to make myself break fast and listen to music. After I got done cooking I sat down and ate my food it was really good. After I ate I washed the dishes and put them back up and went upstairs. I grabbed some clothes and my phone and took a nice hot shower. I got out of the shower an hour later and changed. After I changed I put on some body spray and went downstairs to put my clothes in the laundry room. I checked my phone and my mom hasn't texted me yet. I went in my room and did a little skincare I have school tomorrow and I'm not fucking excited. A little while later all my step siblings came home I cooked for all of them and we all hung out in the living room and waited for our parents. My phone vibrated and I saw it was andy so I answered I said hey and he started laughing and said oh hey lacey. I smiled and said why are u laughing he said Lilly is being fucking stupid right now I laughed and said yea typical Lilly he said yea I agree with you on that. We talked for an hour till my parents got home I told him bye and hung up. We all hung out till it got late and went to bed I plugged my phone in and turned on my alarm for tomorrow morning. I layed down and groaned fuckkkk because I didn't want to go tomorrow but it is my last year so I have to suck it up.  I fell asleep at around 1am after looking at pictures of andy on pintrest and Instagram.

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