Andy said alright who wants to go downstairs Lilly said me and so did Cc andy said alright lets go. I just stood there and I couldn't breathe or move. Andy said babe and walked over to me andy touched my shoulders and I broke I turned into his chest and started crying again. Andy wrapped his arms around me and rested his head against my shoulder and kissed my shoulder and said I know babe it's gonna be ok just don't cry. A couple minutes later me and Andy walked downstairs into the kitchen. Lilly and Cc were eating ice cream together me and Andy started laughing. We all decided just to stay in today and hang out and have a chill day. I stood by the counter and I smiled and looked down because I felt like I was in the Robbers music video. Andy grabbed left overs and heated them up. Andy stood against the counter in front of me andy started eating and I just looked at him and bit my lip. Andy said what I started laughing and andy said why I don't understand I said I don't fucking know andy said ok and laughed. Lilly started playing music and I smiled and said yasss queen. I looked at Lilly and she started dancing I started laughing and so did andy and Cc. It was really hilarious me and Lilly pretended like we were in different music videos that was really fun. Lilly started laughing and doing grabby hands I started laughing and gave her a hug and she slapped my ass and I said Andrew Lilly started laughing and said what. I said your dad does that all the time she laughed and said hey dad only I can do that. I laughed and said yea that's true andy said wow ok love ya too babe. I said Lilly she hummed and said what I said would that be weird if I was your step mom. Lilly started smiling and said yooo that would be fucking amazing and I smiled and said uh literally yusss bitch we both started laughing and smiling. Me and Lilly started jamming out to our favorite songs andy and Cc just watched us and laughed. Andy said I'm going to miss this Cc said honestly me too man. Lilly ended up jumping on my back and we both started laughing andy said hold on and took a couple pictures of us. Andy said ahhh I love you guys we said us too dad. I put Lilly down and we started laughing and dancing together we just started being our weird crack head selves the guys started laughing and said I love them so damn much. I loved that I could be myself around andy even though I was fucking crazy he loved that. Me and Lilly ended up sliding across the kitchen we ended up falling into chairs me and Lilly started laughing. Andy and Cc said oh shit and ran over to us me and Lilly couldn't breathe because we were laughing so hard. The guys helped us up but we leaned into them while laughing. I said I can't fucking breathe Lilly said me too it was fucking hilarious. After me and Lilly could breath we said did you guys see that andy and Cc said uh yea it was fuckin loud. Me and Lilly looked at each other and said should we be trusted alone I laughed and said nope. She laughed and said sooo true. Me and Lilly started moving our hips the guys said damnnnnn I started laughing and said yasss. Lilly started laughing and said bust out the ones cause I'm feelin spicy I started laughing and said oh my God. Andy put his head against the counter cause he was laughing so hard it was hilarious. I walked over to him and rested my elbows against him and he looked at me and smiled. Me and Lilly started jamming out to 5 seconds of summer. I said oh bitchhhhh yassss andy said oh nooo. I walked over to lilly and we both started singing and dancing with each other we yelled DONT STOPPP DONING WHAT YOUR DOING. Andy and Cc kept cheering us on. I hunched over and flipped my hair and Lilly said damn. We were both jamming out and enjoying ourselves without a care in the world. Me and Lilly were like hell ya I swear I think andy was filming us but we didn't care. Lilly grabbed two God dam spoons and we started singing in the spoons and laughed. Me and Lilly held hands and became rock stars for a couple minutes. Cc and andy were enjoying this Cc got two water bottles for us. Lilly said oh bitcggg I said huh she played a one direction song and started drinking water I looked at her and flipped her off and she started chocking on water and I started laughing. Lilly spit the water out in the sink and said you bitch and started laughing. U walked over to her phone and changed the song while smiling. Andy opened my water and handed it to me and I started drinking it and laughed at Lilly. Andy said something funny and Lilly spit water at me and said oh holy shit andy said oh my goddd I was filming that I looked at andy and said what the fuck I'm drenching wet and Lilly said hehe ooppps I can do something my dad can't andy stopped filming after that. Cc said damn and started laughing andy said Lilly Elizabeth I started laughing and scratched my neck and turned away laughing. I ended up changing into a crop top I threw my shirt into the dryer and continued drinking my water. Lilly started laughing and said oops I said yep oops and we both giggled like crazy. We all hung out in the kitchen andy and Cc ended up cooking dinner while me and Lilly jammed out. I sat on the counter and started singing andy turned his shoulder and looked at me smiling. I wasn't looking at him while I was singing Lilly stood by Cc the whole time andy didn't help cook he just watched me sing. Andy walked over to me and I looked at him and wrapped my arms around his neck and I wrapped my legs around him. I rested my head against his forehead and andy smiled and kissed my nose. Lilly said awww and Cc turned and said awww they are soooo cute. Me and andy were in our own little world it was just me and him and no one else. I ran my knuckle against his jawline and smiled I played our song but I didn't sing it. I said I love you Andrew andy said I love you more lacey and he kissed me and I started pulling him as close as I could. I didn't want to let him go and neither did he andy pulled back but he rested his forehead against mine and looked into my eyes. It was really cute Cc said this dinner smells really good by the way Lilly said what doesn't smell good to you me and Andy started laughing. I said yea the dinner does smell really good Cc said thank you lacey I smiled and andy kissed me. Me and Andy started swaying slightly against the counter I started smiling and rested my head on his shoulder and smiled. Andy started singing quietly into my ear and my heart started to flutter. Our song ended and I played another one but me and andy didn't rest our foreheads against each other. A little while later dinner was ready we all decided to just stand up and hang out. Andy had his plate beside andy helped me off the counter and I started singing and everyone ate and watched me in my element. I turned around and started singing and I started to get emotional because the song was sad but I didn't dedicate it to anyone. Andy and Cc and Lilly were all staring at me while enjoying their food I was into the music and started walking around the kitchen and I leaned against the window and pretended to be In a music video I heard them clapping and said damn babe get it I laughed and said thanks. I walked over to them and Lilly said damn gorl pop off I started laughing and said lmao. I plugged in my ear buds and Started listening to a The 1975 Robber 8d song it was really cool. I was jamming out and everyone was looking at me and laughed I was enjoying myself Lilly said oh I think it's an 8d audio they said what's that. She it is in one ear and then the other you would just have to listen to it they laughed and said ok. I started listening to We Don't Have To Dance andy was freaking out he said oh my God that's my song Lilly started laughing and said calm down dad and laughed. Andy said helll yea that's my girl and I laughed and started walking around and danced a little and started laughing because andy was staring at me and smiling his ass off. I started laughing and said oh my God andy stop staring at me he said I loveeee you dammit. I laughed and said I love you too dammit and andy started laughing as well. I unplugged my ear buds and pit them down Lilly said I love you fool I laughed and said I love you too fool and laughed.

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