I woke up before andy I sneakily climbed out of his arms. I went to the bathroom then I snuck out of his bedroom quietly. I walked downstairs carefully I let the dog out and fed the animals then let the dog back inside. After that I walked over to the front door and unlocked it and went outside to get fresh air. I walked outside and closed the door. I walked over to the porch and sat on the edge. I sat down and took a deep breath the air smelt good. It was a beautiful morning I just wanted to take some time to comprehend andy leaving I was going to have to get used to it. A couple people jogged past andys house and we both smiled at each other and said hello and good morning. I just sat on the porch and thought about how my life is changing so quickly. 10 minutes later a frantic andy with no shirt on came outside and said oh thanks God. I looked at him and said oh hey sorry. Andy said no its fine and walked outside and closed the door and he walked over to me. I said I just wanted fresh air and I also didn't want to wake you up. Andy said oh ok and he sat down next to me. Andy said are you ok I said just thinking about you leaving thats all. Andy said I completely understand its gonna take a while to get used to. I laughed and said yea absolutely andy just stayed sat next to me and enjoyed the morning with me. We just sat in silence for a while and enjoyed the nice morning breeze. Andy said so its going to be weird not me being home I said yea it is. A couple minutes later Lilly and Cc walked outside yawning me and Andy both said oh hey you guys. Lilly laughed and said hey we couldn't find you guys me and Andy both started laughing and said oh sorry. They said no its fine we just didn't know where you guys were. Lilly looked extremely tired I also felt extremely exhausted from last night which was by the way fucking amazing. Lilly and Cc both smiled and said ok we will come sit. Lilly sat next to me and Cc sat next to andy. We all just hung out on the porch chilling really early in the morning. I sat and enjoyed the nice morning breeze and the sun.

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