I woke up and smiled against andys chest. I started rubbing andys side and I heard him make a happy little noise and I looked up at him. I got sad because I had to leave today I sighed quietly but just stayed cuddled up against andys chest and smiled. I closed my eyes and fell back asleep against him andy was still snoring lightly. I fell into a really deep sleep the sun was really bright outside. It was a really beautiful Sunday morning my mom told me she was going to church today and I said ok. A little while later I woke back up and groaned fuckkkk because I was really exhausted. I did not want to go home today my siblings were fucking crazy as hell. I really liked spending time with andy and Lilly they were both chilled and layed back. I got up and went to the bathroom then came back into andys room and just looked at him while he slept. Andy woke up and groaned fuckkkk he also yawned and stretched. He got out of bed and walked over to me and gave me a hug I laughed and said hi babe hey said hi and kissed my neck I smiled while he walked into the bathroom he was really warm. I walked back over to his bed and layed down andy walked over to me and playfully slapped my thigh I laughed and said ow he started rubbing it and said oops and he had a sleepy smile which was really adorable I bit my lip and smiled at him he just stared at my thighs while rubbing it. I put my hand in andys hair and lightly tugged it and he smiled and moaned slightly and it turned me on andy looked at me and climbed on top of me and started kissing me passionately and I wrapped my arms around his neck and gripped his hair slightly and he moaned fuck slightly against my lips. Andy rested his forehead against mine and said you wanna fuck I bit my lip and said ummmm yes he laughed and stood up and said ok babe brb I said ok and smiled. I got up and walked over to his bedroom door and locked it I turned on the fan and took off my shirt and shorts and climbed back into his bed and got comfortable. Andy went into the bathroom to put on a condom I bit my lip and smiled his bed was really comfortable and warm. It also smells really good like he sprayed cologne on his bed. Andy walked back into his room and made sure the door was locked and he walked back over to his bed and got into the bed and he hovered over me and I smiled against my lips and I blushed. Andy started kissing me passionately and I squeezed my arms around his neck a little tighter and he moaned and pulled back he said I'm not going anywhere babe I laughed and said I know. I said you know what's crazy he hummed and said huh I said me and Lilly are graduating in 2 months andy sighed and said I know I can't believe it I said I know right it's really crazy he said yea I said I know I'm probably not going to college andy said that doesn't bother me at all if you don't go it's your choice I said yep I agree. Andy spreaded my legs and slid my underwear down and took off his boxers and tossed them off the bed and I started smiling and said oh shit and my hips shifted up slightly. Andy laughed and said calm down babe I laughed and said I want you he smiled and said I bet you do and he bit his lip and winked at me and fixed his hair. I was like fuckkkk andy laughed and said ok damn I laughed and said ughh I want you and laughed andy lined up with my entrance and slammed his hips forward. I yelled FUCKKK Andy said damn your tight I said shit and looked at andy he laughed and said are you happy now I smiled and said yea and he laughed slightly and shook his head and looked at me. Andy rested his forehead against mine and I put my arms against his back and gripped him slightly and he moaned slightly and I smiled and so did Andy. Andy started roughly thrusting into me and I moaned Andrew Dennis Biersack and my head went back and I felt his tongue on my throat I moaned fuckkkk andy smiled and nipped my throat slightly. I was in pure bliss right now I did not want to leave today but I have school tomorrow. Andy kept roughly thrusting into me I looked at him and he smiled widely and moaned fuckkk lacey you feel soo good. I grabbed andys face and pulled him close to me and started kissing him passionately. I felt andy grip my thigh and I kept moaning against his mouth and he smiled against my lips andy started sweating and his hair was sticking to his face and I buried my head against the crook of his neck and moaned fuckkk against him. Andy kept moaning in my hair fuckkk babe my hips shifted up and my thighs started shaking and I was getting closer to cuming andy said calm down babe I said oh God Andrew against his ear. I got close to andys ear and gripped his back and moaned fuckkkk andy slammed his hips forward and got completely buried into me and started twitching andy was moaning fuckkkk lacey against my ear. Me and Andy both came at the same time andy started breathing heavily and so did I we both felt very limp I crashed into the bed and looked at andy he was staring at me and said you ok babe I hummed and shook my head. Andy kissed me passionately and I moaned slightly into the kiss andy smiled when he pulled back I said I love you Andrew he said I love you more lacey. Andy smiled and said ok that was fuckin amazing I said uh huh and smiled and felt really tired. Andy said that was the best sex ever I smiled and said ohhh yea and smiled. Andy pulled out and I moaned slightly and andy said oops sorry babe and layed down next to me. I was like holy shit and laughed andy did too. A little while later me and Andy climbed out of bed and took a nice hot shower after we both changed I crashed onto Andys bed and he laughed at me. Andy packed my bag and set it against me and said when do you wanna go home I said bitch after I take a nap andy laughed and said agreed. Andy put my bag down and set an alarm we both climbed into the bed and fell asleep against each other because we were exhausted. A couple hours later andys alarm went off and we both woke up and groaned fuckkkk I'm exhausted Andy got up and turned off the alarm and went to the bathroom. I yawned and got out of bed and walked out of andys room my body felt like jelly and I laughed slightly Lilly and Cc were downstairs laughing I sat on the couch and said hi they said damn your exhausted I shook my head and fell against the couch and instantly fell back asleep. Andy came downstairs and said really lacey every one started laughing at me I was knocked the fuck out 🤣🤣 Andy fucked me to sleep literally. I woke up an hour later and andy had my bag and my phone beside him he said hey good morning babe I laughed and finally got up and went to the restroom and I walked out and put my shoes on I said I'm ready he laughed and said ok and stood up I gave Cc and Lilly a hug and said bye they said bye bitch and me and Andy walked out of the house. Andy unlocked his car and we climbed in he locked the doors and turned on the car and rolled down the windows and opened the sun roof and I smiled when he turned on the radio. Andy said seat belt I laughed and said ok and put mine on. Andy backed out of the driveway and started driving me home we hit the highway and I smiled and jammed out to the radio with Andy and he started smiling. It was 3 pm when me and Andy finally left his house I told my mom and she said ok we stopped and got food and got to my house. I looked at andy and kissed him and said bye love you he said bye love you more I got out and grabbed all my stuff and closed his door and walked up to my house and knocked on the door. My Dad answered and I walked inside and he closed the door I went up to my room and put my shit down I plugged my charger in and used the restroom I went downstairs after I ate my food and chilled on the couch. A football game was on andy texted me when he got home I went back up to my room a little while later and layed on my bed. I used the restroom and just chilled on my phone the rest of the night my parents talked about us going on my senior trip soon and I was excited my step brother was in 10th grade so that was really funny he was still in school. I told my mom I wasn't going to college and she said ok that's your choice I eneded up falling asleep at 2 am. I talked to lilly and Andy for a while then finally fell asleep I didn't unpack my bag at all.

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