Me and Andy got off the couch and walked upstairs to his bedroom. I had a handprint on my thigh and laughed. Andy closed and locked his bedroom door. I turned around and kissed him and smiled and so did andy. Andy went into his bathroom and turned on the bathtub I got out the rose petals and candles and the lighter and walked into the bathroom and smiled. Andy grabbed his body wash and I put a little bubble bath in. Andy pit his stuff down and I grabbed the body scrub. I quickly put my hair in a bun because I didn't want to wash it again. A couple minutes later andy started lighting the candles and put in a little bit of rose petals I said the only thing we are missing is wine andy laughed and said right. I put on some music and me and Andy both climbed into the bathtub and laughed at each other. Andy said I'm kinda big in here and I started laughing and so did andy. Me and Andy started smiling I said I actually have never taken a bath with a guy before and blushed. Andy said me and juliet never did anything like this I said really andy shook his head and said yea I said well there's a first for every thing. Andy laughed and said yea I said I actually lost my virginity to you andy said ik I said how. Andy said because I felt your cherry pop I laughed and said same andy started laughing as well. I said well this is romantic andy said yea and I rested my legs against his chest and he smiled and laughed. Me and Andy both jammed out to music and laughed at each other. I straddled andys lap and he grabbed my hips and I put bubbles on his face and laughed andy laughed as well. I leaned closer and pulled andy to me and kissed him passionately andy moaned slightly into the kiss and he kissed me harder and I wrapped my hands in his hair and gripped it and he moaned slightly again. I smiled and bit his lip and andy bit my lip and tugged on it slightly. Andy leaned back against the bath tub and just stared at me. Andy said wow I said what andy said you look fuckin beautiful and I smiled and bit my lip and looked down and blushed. I looked back up at him and said I love you andy said I love you more. I poured water on andys head and started washing his hair while he kept trying to kiss me and I laughed at him and so did he. After I washed andys hair I used the body scrub on him. I got off his lap so he could use it on his legs. Andy pulled out one of his legs and almost kicked me we both started laughing and andy said holy shit and laughed. A little while later me and Andy finally both got out of the bath tub and started drying off. Andy slapped my ass after I put my shorts on and I looked at him and he said oh shit. A couple minutes later me and Andy both changed and went downstairs to hang out with Lilly and Cc again. They said how was the bath I smiled and said it was really fun and laughed I said andy almost kicked the shit out of me. Lilly laughed and said holy shit that's amazing I laughed and said I know right. I laughed and layed on the couch andy walked over to me and sprawled out on top of me I said um ok I wrapped my arms and legs around him and smiled and laughed. Andy got extremely comfortable against me and fell asleep. A little while later we all fell asleep on the couch in each other's arms we were having adult nap time lmaoo 🤣🤣. Andy was extremely comfortable on top of me and I smiled against his shoulder. A couple hours later we all woke up andy got off of me and I said holy shit and laughed andy said wow and laughed. We all yawned and stretched I ran my foot against andys leg and he looked at me. We all sat up and me and Lilly started playing footies and started laughing. Andy said are yall playing fucking footies and me and Lilly both laughed and said yea. It was extremely hilarious a little while later we all ate and hung out for a bit then we all decided to go upstairs in our rooms.

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