While me and Lilly were waiting downstairs for andy. Lilly just randomly farted and looked at me and started laughing. I said ewwww wat the fuck Lilly and I ran into the kitchen while laughing. Lilly started laughing her ass off and said im sowwy it slipped and we both couldn't breathe. Andy walked downstairs and said im what the fuck is so damn hilarious. Lilly said I farted and lacey ran into the kitchen andy started laughing and said oh my God that's nasty Lilly. She started laughing and said my fucking bad oops lmao. We all busted our asses laughing. I went to the bathroom one more time before we left for the night bc I almost pissed on myself from laughing. I got out of the restroom and we all went outside and andy locked the house and we all walked to the car and he unlocked it. I opened the door for Lilly and she got in and sat in the middle seat in the back and I climbed in and closed the door. Andy got in and closed his door and locked the car. He said alright whos music are we listening to I raised my hand and he laughed and said ok. He handed me the aux cord and I got onto my Spotify. A really good song came on and he turned the radio up and we all buckled up. Andy turned on the car and immediately rolled down the windows and opened the sun roof and we started backing out of the driveway. Me and Lilly were both jamming out to our favorite songs and andy smiled the whole time at us. We started driving around town while jamming out to Robbers and I was super excited. Me and Andy obviously started singing and we held hands in the air and started jamming out. After the song was over we all started laughing. We drove down the highway and I felt so free tonight like nothing mattered. This was my little escape from reality and I fucking loved every second of itm me and lillys hair was blowing in the wind and the breeze felt so nice against our skin and it was really pretty tonight. Me and Lilly wore a crop top and shorts. Andy wore jeans and a kiss t-shirt he looked really hot anyway. Me and Lilly took selfies andy took a couple with us as well. Andy and Lilly were really fun to be around when you feel sad. We all just relaxed and jammed out with the radio on and the windows down. Andy started singing a couple songs and I turned my head and bit my lip while smiling. His voice is so deep but also really beautiful he looks like a baby but when he talks it's like damn ok yep you sound hot. I started laughing and just looked out the window and smiled at the night sky and rested my head on my arms on the door. It was 10 pm and we were bored and said fuck it let's drive around since we are bored. We were still driving down the highway and the lights were really pretty. We decided that we would hang out a little but at the beach so we all wore sandals so sand didn't get into our shoes. Andy would have to roll up his jeans a little but he didn't care at all. We drove an hour to the beach Andy rolled up the window and closed the sun roof. I grabbed my phone and we all got out of the car. We started walking down to the beach after andy locked the car. We got a little close to the water andy took a selfie of all of us. He kept his arm around me while I posted all the pictures we took on Instagram and I tagged both of them. I also sent them both all the pictures we took together today. We walked around the beach for a while and laughed a lot about dumb shit andy said. We got back in the car around midnight. Andy said yall hungry Lilly said we still have snacks and food at the house andy said ok. I guess we will just head home then. I plugged my phone back in with the aux cord and amdy turned down the music a little bit and he rolled down the windows and opened the sun roof again. He started the car and he was smiling because the car sounded really good. We all jammed out again while driving down the highway back home. The breeze still felt really good on our skin. Andy and Lilly were both smiling and singing random songs they liked and I smiled as well because I love both of them so much.

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