I woke up in lillys arms. Honestly Lilly smells sooo fucking good it's not funny. I smiled against her neck and stretched a little bit. Lilly started smiling and she said babe what are you doing. Lilly woke up and rolled onto her side and we just cuddled into each other. I got really comfortable against lillys skin. We stayed in bed for a while my mom woke us up and said we had to get ready for church. My mom closed my door and Lilly groaned fuckkkk against my head. I smiled a little bit honestly I kinda think Lilly is hot when she's sleepy and annoyed. I got up and Lilly made a sad face I said babe we have to get ready Lilly said no and I started laughing. I walked over to my bedroom door and locked it so we could get ready in peace. Lilly took 10 minutes to get up and finally get ready. Me and Lilly both used the restroom then we went downstairs to hang out with the family. We didn't have enough room in my dads truck so my older sister had to drive us to church. Me and Lilly rode with my older sister to church. Me and Lilly listened to music on our phones the whole way to church. We got there and met up with my parents. We all sat down in one pue and we all sat by each other. I sat by Lilly and my step brother. I ended up falling asleep on lillys shoulder and she fell asleep against my head. An hour later church ended we all went home and Lilly waited for andy to come pick her up. Me and Lilly both ended up falling asleep and didn't know andy came by. Andy said oh well I'll just swing by and bring her backpack and a change of clothes I guess my parents didn't mind. Me and Lilly both woke up and went downstairs and andy dropped off her back pack and some clothes. We all hung out after me and Lilly changed into pj's and got comfortable. Me and Lilly fell asleep at 10 pm and me and Lilly were both knocked out for the night.

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