Lilly came into andys room and turned on the light and said get up bitch we got to leave. Me and Andy both groaned fuckkkk I'm tired. We really didn't want to get up at all. I checked my phone and it said Thursday I groaned fuckkkk and got up and went into andys bathroom and got ready. I came back into his room and changed he watched me change the whole time and he smiled. I laughed slightly and told Andy I said are you getting up he said nope I laughed and said ok. I walked over to andy and gave him a kiss I said I love you andy he said I love you too lacey and I smiled and kissed him passionately and he moaned slightly into the kiss. I backed up and he whined I said sorry school I grabbed my phone and bag and said bye I guess he said yea bye and I frowned and said ok and walked out of his room and closed the door. Me and Lilly headed downstairs and opened the front door and walked out Lilly turned around and locked the front door. Me and Lilly both walked to her car and she unlocked it and we both climbed in and she locked the car. Lilly turned the car on and rolled down the windows and we jammed out on the way to school we hit the highway. It was a really beautiful morning the weather was really nice and the wind felt really good against my skin I smiled and looked out the window and I bit my lip and felt a ping in my chest. I knew andy was leaving Saturday and I didn't want to think about it at all. We got to school a little while later and Lilly parked she quickly rolled up the windows and turned down the radio and we got out and closed the doors Lilly locked it and we walked into school and into our class. We ended up taking tests all day and we both groaned fuckkkk this really sucks. School was really fucking boring me and Lilly were happy when it was finally over. We both walked out and said fucking finally school is over for the day I said yea it is and we both climbed into her car. Me and Lilly jammed out on the highway heading back to her house. We got home a little while later and andy was on the couch me and Lilly went into her room and changed. I changed in andys room and we both headed downstairs andy said how was school. I said shit he laughed and said yep me and Lilly both sat on the couch and sighed I layed my head down on andys thigh and he started rubbing my hair. We all ate a little while later and I sighed and we all went upstairs at around 10 pm. Me and Andy stayed up a for a little while and talked we both crashed at 11 pm. I was knocked out against his chest and andy was also passed out as well. I smiled while I slept the whole night and so did andy.

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