Andy rolled down the windows and opened the sun roof and turned up the music a little bit. We all started singing and enjoying each other. I don't ever remember feeling this happy before. Every time I'm around andy and Lilly I'm a different person but in a good way. When I'm not around them I'm sad and lonely my mom and step dad even agreed with me. My hair was getting blown in the wind and I felt free and alive. We were at a red light and I looked at andy and he was staring at me smiling and I smiled back. Lilly said awwww you guys are so cute. I laughed and said shut up. Lilly said I noticed you seem more happy when u are with my dad and I. I said yea I am and when I'm not I'm sad and lonely. Andy said hey no more feeling sad I smiled and said absolutely. We started driving again and he turned up the radio again and my song Robbers came on. I said oh my God me and Lilly started singing because we love this song andy laughed and said ok your guys song is on. After it was over he said I actually really liked the song I smiled he said yall both sing really good I laughed and said thanks lmao. Lilly started laughing and said why thank u father he said your welcome daughter. I started laughing and snorted andy started laughing and said oh my God wat the fuck lmaooo. We all laughed and enjoyed the ride back to their house. I ended up holding hands with andy the whole way to their house this made me smile like an idiot. We pulled up to their house and andy rolled the windows up and closed the sun roof. He said ok yall hair is messed up me and Lilly looked each other and started laughing andy quickly took a picture of us and smiled. We all got out and went inside. I said I'm home bitches and we all started laughing like crazy. Me and Lilly went to her room to put my bags down and we went back downstairs to hang out with her dad.

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