I woke up and looked up and saw Lilly sleeping peacefully. I leaned up and kissed her cheek and she smiled I snuggled back up against her. She moved her head and kissed my head and I smiled widely against her neck and I felt her slightly giggle. We both stretched against each other and she yawned against my shoulder and she held on a little tighter. A couple minutes later we both finally decided to get up. I rolled over and stretched again and yawned and hit my hand against the wall and said ow and laughed and so did Lilly it was really funny. We both got up and used the restroom and then headed downstairs. Andy and Cc were both cooking breakfast in the kitchen and laughing. Andy said Cc when the fuck are u not hungry he said uh honestly I don't fucking know we both walked into the kitchen laughing. Andy turned his head and started smiling and reached his arm out for me and I walked to him and wrapped my arms around his neck and gave him a hug. He kissed my head and whispered in my ear and said how did you sleep sexy and I smiled and laughed. I pulled back and said well I fell asleep snuggled up against your daughter so amazing he laughed. Lilly said yea she's a really good cuddle buddy and andy laughed and said I bet she is and continued cooking. I said how did u sleep he said well Cc was up my ass all night so fine. Cc said hey man you said you wanted to cuddle last night so we did me and Lilly laughed. Andy said I was fucking joking but you are a really good cuddle buddy he said hey man thanks but don't make it sound gay. We all started laughing and I fucking fell on the floor and couldn't breathe. Andy looked at me and said babe breathe damn I wheezed and andy said alright someone take over. He leaned down and picked me up off the floor and carried me on the couch and sat me down. He leaned in and kissed me I said I love you he said I love you too lacey. I ran my finger against his jaw line and he smiled. He said honestly you look really fucking hot with black hair I said thanks. He said it really brings out your blue eyes I smiled and said thanks. He said of course and kissed my forehead and leaned back up and said alright are u ok after dieing on my kitchen floor. I started laughing again and he said oh helll no and walked back into the kitchen. I couldn't breathe and I started crying because I was laughing so damn hard. After we all ate we talked about things we could do today. Andy called it a "family meeting. "

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