1 month since andy has been gone:

Life update so andy has been gone for a month and it's fucking crazy. I dyed my hair half red and black and I'm fucking living for it. Lilly also dyed her hair black me and Lilly were both doing really good in school so I was happy about that. I also got a tattoo and I fucking love ittt.

Me and Lilly started working out so we could start feeling a lot better

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Me and Lilly started working out so we could start feeling a lot better. I wanted to start working out so I felt a lot more better and not feel lazy. I decided to take this time to really focus on myself and so did Lilly. Me and Lilly both decided to start doing more skin care and eat healthier. And Me and Lilly feel and look so much better I actually feel really hot now and I love it. I face timed andy and he said holyyy fuck who are you and I laughed and said me babe. Andy said lacey I smiled and said yea he said holy shit you look so good I laughed and said thanks I fell so much better now that I'm focusing on myself more. Andy said uh yea you look fuckin amazing I smiled and said thanks he said I can not wait to come home I said ye me too. Andy said hold on you dyed your hair and got a tattoo I laughed and said yea. Andy groaned fuckkkk I want to come homee now I laughed and said yea me too. Andy my baby got fuckin hot without me home and I started laughing it's currently Friday I'm going over to lillys house tomorrow and we are going to have the best fuckin sleep over ever she said and I laughed at her. I said hey guess what andy said huh I said I've been going to the gym and I stepped back and laughed andy said damn your hips got wider I turned to the side. Andy said holyyy fuckkkk your ass got so much bigger I started laughing and andy said yooo I'm going to raillll you to death when I get home. I started laughing and my back hit the wall and andy started laughing as well. My step brother came in and said wat the fuck is happening. Andy said your fuckin sister got hot as hell andy said what the fuck I've been gone for a month and you look like that and I smiled. Andy said wowww just get hot when I'm not home love you too. I laughed and said I love you andy he smiled and said uh huh sure I said yea a lot more people have been complimenting me at school and I laugh and say thanks. I said yooo I fuckin made Lucy jealous andy uh as you should. She said oh my God wat happened to you lacey I said I had a glow up and you didn't andy said damn and snapped his fingers and said yasss bitch. Me and my step brother started laughing our asses off and so did andy it was hilarious. I said holy shit I don't remember the last time I laughed that hard and said wow that's crazy andy said yea that is. Me and Andy talked for a little while longer then I went in my room and packed my bag for lillys house tomorrow. My step brother left and said bye bitch I laughed and said bye I guess. Someone knocked at my door and Lilly walked in I said sister she said hey bitch. She picked me up a day early I wasn't complaining tho.

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