I woke up and groaned fuckkkk I looked at my brothers girlfriend she was knocked out I laughed and grabbed my phone. It said 5 am I said oh helll no and laughed I got up and went into the bathroom and walked back into my room and layed down after I turned the fan on. I grabbed my phone and started playing on it for a while I finally fell back asleep at around 6 am I put my phone down and fell asleep. A couple hours later me and my brothers girlfriend woke up we got out of bed and grabbed our phones and used the restroom then went downstairs. Everyone was awake and laughing on the couch my brother said good morning babe and kissed his girlfriend my brother said come here sis and I gave him a hug and he squeezed me I said biych can't breathe he laughed and let go. I sat on the couch and stretched I said this weird I'm not going to school anymore my brother was on summer vacation and he wasn't excited about it. I yawned and laughed someone knocked at the door and my dad opened it someone walked behind me and covered my eyes and said guess who I smiled and said Andrew he smiled and kissed my head and laughed. He came sit on the couch by me andy said I had a long night I laughed and said I woke up at 5 am and went to bed at 6. Andy laughed and said that's cute I heard my daughter having sex last night I covered my mouth and started laughing. My brother said oh no andy said oh yea I just listened to old rock band s and said stopppp I couldn't breathe because I was laughing so hard. Andy said damn babe breathe I started coughing and almost threw up I Said oh God and laughed my face was red and my eyes were watering andy said damn and laughed. I said are u ok he said no I'm fucking traumatized and I laughed and hit the couch and accidentally hit andys face. Andy said ok ow and I gave him a hug and kissed his cheek and laughed he said I love you forever lacey I smiled and said I love you forever Andrew and we both smiled and he kissed me and I smiled. A little while later andy put his arm around my shoulder and we all talked and laughed about random shit. My dad said so what do you guys wanna do my brother let a little while later because he had work and his girlfriend had to get ready for her graduation soon. We all chilled in the living I looked at my hand and smiled and bit my lip andy kissed my head and said the ring looks really good on you I smiled and said thanks he said of course and kissed my head. I started laughing and said wow I graduated and now I'm getting married that's crazy andy smiled and said yea it is my dad sent me the video from my graduation and when Andy proposed I saved both videos so I can watch them both later and smile. My dad said sooo what are the plans for today Andy sighed and said I don't know honestly. I said I have to clean my room my mom said ok sounds like fun. I stayed on the couch for a while every one talked about different things I laughed kinda for no reason. I got off the couch and went to use the restroom and walked back into the living room and sat down. Andy got up and said I should probably go home and check on my kids and I laughed and said ok see you later andy said ok have fun. I laughed and said ok please be careful andy said ok I will definitely and we both laughed. Andy left and I smiled and sat on the couch my dad said how about we all head to the mall I laughed and said ok sure. Andy called me a little while later and said the kids are ok and I laughed and said well I'm going to the mall soon andy said ok have fun Lilly yelled CAN WE ALL GO TO THE MALL AND HANG OUT. Andy said yea if you stop yelling she laughed and said ok. I hung up on andy and we all went upstairs to get changed for the day. I wore a Black veil brides shirt and shorts and some Van's. I sprayed some body spray on and used the restroom. I grabbed my phone and earbuds and went downstairs. I waited for everyone else to get ready. A little while later everyone came downstairs and said we are ready my parents came downstairs and said yall ready we all said yea and walked out the door. My dad locked the front door and unlocked his truck. We all climbed in and he locked the truck and we all buckled up and he started the truck and started driving out of the neighborhood and I smiled and looked out the window. I started jamming out to music on my phone and didn't pay attention at all. I was listening to my music while looking out the window. My dad turned on the radio and they listened to different songs but I couldn't hear over my music. Andy texted me and said they were on there way to the mall and I said ok sounds good. Andy said alright see you there and didn't respond again but I didn't care. We stopped at a bunch of red lights there was a good bit of traffic right now. I just chilled and jammed out to music on my phone. A little while later we finally got to the mall we all got out and my dad locked his truck and we all started walking towards the mall. We parked by Dillard's we walked into the mall and it felt really good in there. We started walking towards the main entrance and guys were staring at me while I walked past them but I didn't care at all. We finally got to the main part of the mall we walked into Abercrombie and Fitch I texted Andy that he said ok. We walked around and andy Lilly and Cc walked into the store and they found us. I said oh hey guys and gave them a hug. A couple minutes later we all walked out of the store and started walking around the mall. A couple fans took pictures with the guys me and Lilly didn't mind though it made us smile. We turned around and walked towards my mom and laughed slightly and she said ok. Me and Lilly started talking to each other about random shit the guys finally met back up with us and me and Lilly smiled and the guys laughed at us. I walked up to andy and got on my tippy toes and kissed him he grabbed my waist and hoisted me up and I laughed and wrapped my legs around him. We all walked out of the store and started walking through the mall andy kept a firm hold on me and I smiled he was breathing heavily in my ear and I laughed and said damn you out of breathe he laughed and said no I said ok. I started laughing and Lilly started making weird faces and andy said the fuck is happening I said I don't know and he smiled and said ok. We spent a couple hours at the mall andy gave me a kiss when we all got out of the mall. We all walked to my dads truck and we all got in and andy left. Me and Lilly both listened to our own music I kept looking at my ring and smiling I still couldn't believe it. We all got home an hour later and me and Lilly ended up falling asleep against each other at around 10 pm.

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