After we ate we did the dishes and picked them up. Andy started on the laundry and we helped him with that as well. He said oh by the way I'm going to the gym if you guys want to come with me. Me and Lilly both said no insync he said ok I will text you guys when I get there and then leave. We both laughed and said ok sounds good. Andy told me to go pack up my stuff since he was taking me home later so I said ok no problem. I went upstairs to pack my stuff and get all my shit together. Lillys came in and turned on music and I laughed and we started jamming out. After I finished packing we had a dance party and her dad was watching us while bitting his thumb and smiling at us. I turned around and said oh shit hi and laughed andy started laughing and said you guys are both soooo damn adorable and smiled and shook his head and walked in the room to hang out with us. I was like well that was fun lmao and me and Lilly started laughing at each other's stupidity. Andy just sat on the bed and looked like a little kid while looking back and forth between us while smiling and I laughed and smiled as well. We all hung out in lillys room for a couple hours. Andy got up and said ok well I should probably be taking you home I frowned and said ok. Andy grabbed my bags and I grabbed my phone and charger and earbuds. We left there house and listened to music and stopped and got food I didn't eat mine since we were almost to my house. I got home at 6:30 my mom didn't care she was just happy I got home safe. Andy dropped me off and talked to my parents for a couple minutes then left after he gave me a hug and said I love you. I unpacked my stuff while listening to music then I charged my phone and changed into pajamas and used the restroom. I fell asleep at around 10 or 11 pm.

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