Me and andy walked to the car and I told him everything that happened. Andy said I can't fucking believe she hit you. I said I know it just happened so fast andy said I bet it did. I said I love you andy said I love you too lacey. I got in the front seat and andy in the back I closed the door and looked at my mom. She said holy shit lacey are you ok I said I don't know. I opened the mirror above my head and I gasped there was a dark fucking hand print on my face. I felt my heart sink in my chest and closed it. Andy said don't worry lacey I'm going to ground her for the weekend. I said no don't we started driving home. Andy said why should I not ground her. She fucking hit you lacey for no reason I said Andrew I'm fine she didn't mean too. Andy said it's no excuse I said I know it's not but she didn't mean too. Andy said I don't care she is grounded and that's final. My mom said I agree with you andy. Andy said thank u mom can I call you that and she nodded yes and he said ok good. I was annoyed the whole way home. When we got back home I took medicine and put an ice pack on my cheek and andy stayed with me all day to make sure I was ok it was really adorable. I didn't mind his company at all he kept me entertained all day. I said I can't believe it's Thursday andy said I know it's crazy honestly I said what a good way to start my weekend. Andy laughed and said oh yea tomorrow is Friday. I said yea it is and andy said shit are you ok lacey I shook my head and said yea. A little while later everyone came home and I explained what happened. My step brother said you didn't hit her back. I said oh I wanted to fucking throw her ass in a locker but didn't. Andy started laughing I said bitch that's your daughter. Andy said and she would have deserved it he said I wouldn't have been mad at you. I said nah fam I ain't like that my step brother said bullshit and I started laughing and said true. A little while later andy went to go pick up Lilly. Andy texted me 20 minutes later and said they got home and Lilly was grounded till tomorrow night. I laughed and said ok love u andy said love u too. I fell asleep at 10 pm after I plugged my phone in.

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